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01/01/2009: Happy 2009

I have a shiny new monitor to write on now. :D

So! My new year's resolution last year was to write at least five chapters in 2008, not counting chapter 37, which I finished on New Year's Day; I definitely did that. The other one was to try to write ten chapters in 2008. Chapter 46 is technically the ninth of the year.

But! Keep in mind that chapter 45 part 2 is only considered part of chapter 45 because of my OCD! Really I wrote a full nine chapters in 2008! And chapter 46 is well over an average chapter in length already, so if you turn your head a bit, I did write ten chapters in 2008! :o

…okay, so that was an excuse, fine. But! I wrote 108 pages of the ILCOE in 2008. And that's more than one fifth of the entire thing (currently I'm on page 496 of the ILCOE Word document, although that also contains a couple of the first chapters of the IALCOTN and a whole bunch of notes at the bottom; Word tells me the actual story is 489 pages at the moment). So I think I've done reasonably well. :D In fact, I wrote 145 pages in 2004, 114 pages in 2005, 58 pages in 2006, and 67 in 2007, so I'm almost at the same pace as in 2005.

I hereby resolve that I will write at least 100 pages of The Quest for the Legends in 2009, however many chapters that might be.

Still on the thirteenth page of chapter 46; I've been working on The Cave of Dragonflies too much recently. And playing Final Fantasy VII with my boyfriend.


Pure Umbreon (01/02/2009 04:44:41)
can't wait for chapter 46 :D

489 pages?! and after this year is over, 589? wow, that is huge!
SlowCrow (01/02/2009 12:07:10)
That'll make for a really thick novel for sure. Anyway, good luck with your resolution, you know we'll be reading! :D

>_> Speaking of fics and writing sprees, I should really try to start Bug III up again (yes, I DO say that a lot) BEFORE its 1 year anniversary ; on second thought, making it my resolution would motivate me more. I want to rewrite/revise/write about 70 pages this year, but I don't really have an audience for my fic since the forum wipe. Or a proofreader. Or any moral support. Or time for that matter… But I do have a vague idea and that's good enough for me! ^.^
elyvorg (01/02/2009 20:42:35)
All I have to say is… have fun on Final Fantasy.

I can totally relate to you on the "sudden addiction to a game" front.

hellisliam (01/07/2009 20:15:15)
I've only played FF7 once and I've been dying to play again >=O
b_l_minu (01/08/2009 07:54:27)
Question: Did you change the banner for the Chalenor style? I noticed that the lighting and shading effects are gone from the text and those swirly markings, so they're just a solid blue, but the ones at the sides of the page look the same.
Butterfree (01/08/2009 15:57:55)
Ah, right, I was just resaving them in better quality, and I accidentally disabled the effects. I didn't notice it myself since I use Chaletwo style. I fixed it.
Holographic (01/10/2009 19:23:03)
Um…Well Hi.

I started reading you story a few week ago and I think it's great.

I can't wait until you make the next Chapter

hellisliam (01/16/2009 22:05:01)
Butterfree, you've got the best fanfic i ever read, i'm dying to read the next chapter!
Blaziking (01/23/2009 15:33:43)
I hope you don't write on your computer. The screen might become messy with all of the pencil scratches.

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