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12/05/2008: Chapter 45, Part 2

Chapter 45, Part 2: More Stuff Happens is up.

(Yes, that title is a joke and does not actually appear on the page. If you missed it, check the previous entry of the Quest Blog for an explanation.)

Eight pages added on. I'm rather satisfied with parts of them. Still my favorite "chapter beginning" ever.


puredragon222 (12/05/2008 21:56:47)
I don't get it. So, is the thing about Gyrados being abnormally high-powered your favourite chapter beginning? It doesn't seem THAT awesome o.O
darthjarjar (12/05/2008 22:10:27)
i think she meant the extreme beating of may by marc… still… tyranitar got owned =)
Butterfree (12/05/2008 22:10:30)
Yes, it is. Because nothing beats a chapter beginning with Mark being accused, in an obviously template-based formal letter that writes his name (and Gyarados's) in all-caps and ends in "Best Wishes, the Elite Four", of using illegal drugs.

Maybe I'm just more prone to being amused by that sort of thing than you are, but I love that letter to bits.

EDIT: What? The Dragonite/Tyranitar battle was at the very end. o_O Even if it had been in chapter 46, it would still not have been anywhere near the beginning of the chapter.
elyvorg (12/05/2008 22:56:48)
Hah, I loved May's reaction to losing.

I also found the news about Taylor's clones kind of "Whoa…", in a way that made me think that might the aforementioned epic chapter beginning, even if it's only vaguely near the beginning. Do love the letter, though. xD

Also much love for the title of "More Stuff Happens." x3
Pure Umbreon (12/06/2008 15:18:42)
XD Wonderful beginning! I was wondering if 'someone' would notice that Ninetales and Gyrados looked weird. Looks like the League did.

Anyway, I liked the bit of irony between Gyrados/Ninetales ban and the clones being allowed. Definitely some corruption going on there (even if it is by Mewtwo2's power). The battle was sorta meh for me, but very well done.

P.S. Rick is exactly as I imagined him. Power hungry AND cheap! XD
Negrek (12/06/2008 17:33:39)
I think this would really work best as its own chapter, since it introduces an entirely new plot point and follows the general chapter structure. The beginning really would work best at the beginning of a new chapter–but I'm guessing in the revision you'll end up splitting things up differently anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

But okay, I admit that my primary motivation for posting was to say that the chapter reminded me of this. :P
darthjarjar (12/06/2008 18:02:47)
o yea… oops…
TexLugia (12/08/2008 05:53:57)
Awesome! ^^ Loved the battle, loved the letter and looking forward to the next chapter!
puredragon222 (12/09/2008 21:38:21)
Thanks for clearing that up. Love the fic so far, and just your whole site generally.

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