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11/13/2007: Scyther's Story II

Okay, I'm having a bit of a problem with my NaNo, 'Scyther's Story II'. I'm not that far behind on it anymore as I was a few days ago, but annoyingly enough, I've almost finished my planned plotline, and I'm still only at 17,000 words.

However, Scyther's Story II is better off than Scyther's Story here because Scyther's Story II does not have a definite end - I just hadn't planned anything after this particular spot I'm getting close to. I could just go on after that for however long I liked, though. Which is where you come in.

Put simply, this is to all of you who have read the original: What would you like to see more of in my vision of Scyther society? Do you wish you knew how the Scyther would react to situation X? Dying to see if they have an equivalent to human cultural item Y? Then tell me, and I might get ideas. I won't necessarily be able to work what you suggest into the plot, but hopefully I'll cook something up from some of the suggestions I get.

Note that this is not some sort of contest about coming up with storylines or characters for me. You are not supposed to be suggesting I write your original character into the story or make my Scyther society this way or that way. Do not come here to say that you think I should write about female Scyther killing the males after mating or them having a special holiday where they celebrate the birth of Scythewind the Chosen One, because they don't. You are welcome to create your own interpretation of Scyther society and write that into your own fanfiction, but it won't be in mine. I will be the one making up the details here; what I'm asking you to do is basically pretend that I'm some sort of real-life expert on Scyther culture, you've heard my previous lecture (Scyther's Story), and right now there is a Q&A session. Ask questions as if I already know the answer (maybe I do), and if the questions give me good ideas, they will be answered in the story. If I don't foresee a chance to insert what you ask into the story by any easy means, I will probably answer them anyway after I've posted the story.

So yeah. Ask away.


Chaos Clown (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
I think it would be interesting to see if scyther have a funeral ceremony of sorts.
opaltiger (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
Festivals! Rites! Also, my sister the social science major mentions mating taboos.
KamikoRemu (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
I'd kind of like to see something bad happen to Stormblade or Shadowdart, such as being caught or even dying, or maybe something that will affect TQftL. That would be cool. :3
KamikoRemu (11/13/2007 00:00:00)

-feels very stupid for writing last message-

-very, very stupid-
Butterfree (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
Nah. Of course something bad happens to Stormblade and Shadowdart. It's a story about them, and if nothing bad happens to the main characters, it's not much of a story. :P

Sure, it's not the kind of thing I was asking about, but at least you were not going "OMG MAKE STORMBLADE HAVE SEX AND GET HIS HEAD CUT OFF AFTERWARDS", which was the main reason I emphasized not trying to tell me what to write, but instead what I should make up.

I wrote 2500 words today. :D Admittedly I now need to read a longish book before tomorrow for school and haven't started it yet, but it was worth it. I love what I wrote today, too: a Shadowdart POV chapter justifying his view of life, and a Stormblade POV chapter that I added in in the middle thanks to one of the suggestions that have already been made. (See? They actually do make it in.)
Drew108 (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
I think an invasion of some kind, like from a pack of Houndoom or something, would be cool. Ok, maybe a pack of Houndoom is a bit to obvious, but whatever.

Now that I think about it, an invasion may be a bit to obvious.
Butterfree (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
Ah, but that is not a question. You're telling me what to write (an invasion), rather than what you would like to find out about the Scyther (which here ought to be what sort of relationship they have with other predators in the area - i.e. whether a pack of Houndoom would ever feel motivated to invade the swarm at all, which could very well be an interesting question). Basically, tell me what you want me to consider and interpret, but please don't try to decide for me how to interpret it. I don't want to rip my interpretation of Scyther society off my readers.

As I said. Ask as if this were a Q&A session about Scyther society after an academic lecture, not as if I'm asking you to come up with a plot for me.
Whivit (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
what would happen if two different tribes/colonies/whatever of scyther met?

what if a WILD scizor challenged a scyther, or just appeared and did something…? and it could be wild from its trainer having died (it killeditlol) or the trainer released it, or it just ran away, or something.

what if… the scyther leader died, how would they decide on the new leader?

what if there were a disabled scyther, how would they handle that? and what if the disabled scyther were the leader- as in, the leader suddenly became disabled- would he be un-leader'd?

how would scyther react to one of those people that live in the woods, without electricity and such? would they just treat 'em like prey? I suppose they would… hrm.
Big-guy (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
some sort of challenge for leadership. like someone wanting to overthrow current leader, or summing.
elyvorg (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
What if the leader broke the Code, but refused to kill himself for it because he's the boss and no-one can tell him what to do? How would the swarm react?

Of course, this is assuming he WOULD refuse to kill himself, but yeah.
Icepool (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
What would happen if a Scyther chalenged the leader, and they both ended up killing each other? How would the swarm react?

What would happen if a lone Scyther came out of nowhere and challenged the leader?
Big-guy (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
Icepool, I like your idea. Butterfree, go with his/hers.
Butterfree (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
Actually, a large part of the plot of the story already revolves around fighting for Leadership. Remember chapter 29, where Scyther noticed that Shadowdart had been challenging the Leader? I don't think I could fit much more fighting for Leadership into it, though. :/
Happypants3 (11/13/2007 00:00:00)

Funeral ceremony and conflicting territories sound interesting. Don't worry if you don't finish Nanowrimo, at least you've got a finished story ^_^ Good luck with filling up that extra word allocation.
Bob (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
I see the prohibition of mating and head cutting off was to stop people like The Mist. :D
Deilos (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
What would the swarm do if they found an abandoned/released Scyther, perfectly healthy and probably an asset to the swarm? Would they take it in, or kill it? And what would they do in the same position with a Descith that had been released/abandoned by a trainer whose Scyther breeded? I know this is similar to a few other suggestions, but this is referring to the swarm's treatment of trainers and trained Pokemon.
The Mist (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
waht id really like is more pokemo biology sinc eyou nevr mad ethat "animal Planet" fro pokemon fic like i aske di geuss this is the best i can get . so you could maby ru knoiw but in tidbits about the ote pokemon species and the like oh and di you get that thiong i sent ya and could yo have a shorter anti sapm pass word like "a"
The Mist (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
that hurt bob. And you r name is SOOOOOOOO original
Butterfree (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
Go away, Mist. I got tired of you a few months ago and incidentally have already told you that I'm not planning to continue to attempt to talk to you. Just leave me the hell alone and do something else with your time. And no, I'm not going to write a Pokémon Planet spin-off, ever.
KamikoRemu (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
Can't you like, IP ban her or something? :0
zapdos shadow (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
What if Stormblade killed the leader in a duel and became the new leader, it would be interesting to see how shadowdart would react. Also I'de like to see how the swarm deals with a huge problem like lack of prey, an epidemic, or war with another swarm.
Joe, the talking Mr. Mime (11/13/2007 00:00:00)
What would happen if a large group of trainers came into the colony? Would the Scyther kill them or something for trespassing? What if the leader was captured by a trainer? Would the Scyther attempt to kill all of the humans?

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