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11/26/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 25

344,062 words; that's 1879 words today, with 42,184 NaNo words total when the goal is 41,667.

I've finished chapter 74 and started the scene formerly known as One-Shot A. I haven't gotten the chance to retrieve the version I originally wrote from my desktop's hard drive yet; I'm going to do so tomorrow, but until then I'm just writing a new version of it. I really liked several bits of One-Shot A that I can't type up from memory, but I also like what I've written so far into the document; it fixes something that was rather rushed in the old version, and I'm generally pretty satisfied with the outcome. The end result will probably be some kind of mixture of the two, unless when I reread the original I discover it was actually awful all along and I just never noticed.

Still lots of things I'd like to change in editing in chapter 74, but who cares because I'M WRITING CHAPTER 75.


Thomas_10 (11/26/2012 13:37:14)
Uh, I hope you finish, but it looks like you're starting to run out of time.
Butterfree (11/26/2012 15:16:42)
How am I running out of time? I'm ahead in terms of word count for pure NaNoWriMo purposes, and I'm writing the second-to-last chapter with five days left of the month, which is also ahead of schedule chapter-wise (I had less than fourteen chapters left when I started, and now I've finished twelve - i.e. more than six sevenths of what I had left - in the space of five sixths of the month).

Or, in other words, I'm running out of time in the sense that yes, the month is almost over, but I'm almost done to a greater degree than the month is almost over, so there is no cause for worry. I have less than a sixth of what I've already written so far left to write (chapter-wise - granted, chapter 75 may be a bit longer than average), but I have a fifth of the time I've spent so far left in which to do so.
opaltiger (11/26/2012 19:28:58)
But Butterfree – do you have the charts and graphs to back up your claims?
Thomas_10 (11/26/2012 21:53:26)
Okay, sorry. I usually take alot longer to write, and I wasn't sure how long you took. Good luck. :^)
Butterfree (11/26/2012 23:34:34)
Well, obviously usually I take a lot longer to write. But this is NaNoWriMo, where I'm specifically writing very fast and I've been posting exactly how fast I'm writing every day for a month.

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