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11/20/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 19

333,195 words, 1778 today, 349 words behind. I've written 31,317 words in November so far in all.

Chapter 71 is on page eight and nearly done. This is still all working pretty well with the timeline - I've written nearly nine chapters out of fourteen, a day before the month is two thirds through.


Polymetric Sesquialtera (11/20/2012 21:10:01)
I can absolutely not wait for the finished product.
res (11/21/2012 01:04:14)
we must definitely see the garbage produced in november at some point. certainly, definitely, absolutely >|||
Polymetric Sesquialtera (11/21/2012 01:50:43)

can you make it like an extra or something please :C
Butterfree (11/21/2012 02:22:56)
No. >:( It's going to get overwritten when I edit, and it's not interesting garbage in any fashion anyway - it's just vaguely rushed and awkward, not silly ridiculous placeholder sentences or bearded men with bearded faces or ironic doors.
Spoon (11/21/2012 03:32:54)
But just how are we going to get our The Quest for the Legends fix once it's over then? :o
Polymetric Sesquialtera (11/21/2012 03:45:32)
We write our own QftL AU's, obviously.
Spoon (11/21/2012 03:54:01)
Everyone lives and Mark and May get married, yes?
Kratos Aurion (11/21/2012 04:52:31)
No, Butterfree writes an extra in which Chaletwo does, in fact, become a pimp.
Butterfree (11/21/2012 04:59:44)
And that will be followed by a series of May and Chaletwo Discuss X extras.
hoadleysp (11/21/2012 05:24:03)
i like Kratos idea :D
SilverLatios47 (11/21/2012 06:21:40)
I want the May and Chaletwo extras. XD
Chibi (11/21/2012 06:35:45)
All of these commments made me die laughing (but especially Spoon and Kratos's). No seriously–I stopped breathing, and now I'm dead. Dangit.

(Bearded men with bearded faces ftw. I am going to find ways to insert this into as many conversations as possible. Just like doors made of pine, several years back.)

Ironic doors made of pine…

(okay im stopping now)
Negrek (11/21/2012 08:12:35)
Spoon–you'll be getting your fix off the inevitable revision that'll start getting posted after Butterfree finishes putting these chapters up, of course.
Thomas_10 (11/21/2012 13:23:38)
Lololololololol. Rofl rofl rofl rofl. Oh noes, the utter nonsesicalness stuff has made me die by dying me! Oh noes!
Chibi (11/21/2012 21:27:51)
@Negrek – Hell yeah, IALCOTN!

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