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11/16/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 15

326,948 words. Which means I am past the NaNoWriMo halfway point (I'm at 25,070 words total), which means I am officially caught up and in fact ahead of the goal by 70 words, having written 1944 words today. It's not even as ridiculously late as usual!

I'm on the sixth page of the chapter. This battle has a completely ridiculous number of Pokémon in it; I'm mostly looking forward to getting to the end of it because of that shower-inspiration I talked about yesterday. And because then it's the LAST FIVE-CHAPTER ARC NO I'M STILL NOT OVER THAT.

opal keeps trying to blackmail me into giving him the chapters as I go. Tell him he's silly. >:(


thatoneguy (11/16/2012 05:12:40)
Opal, you're silly :)
Chibi (11/16/2012 05:36:29)
You silly, opal. :3

opaltiger (11/16/2012 11:04:17)
I do not recognise your authority to call me silly & will release the relevant documents in three days' time.
Polymetric Sesquialtera (11/16/2012 11:57:51)
somehow I feel like there is nothing on this earth that could compel Butterfree to release tqftl chapters before they're finished. i feel like even the most incriminating thing you may possess would be trivial compared to what's at stake for the future of tqftl.
opaltiger (11/16/2012 13:37:04)
I read all her chapters before they're finished, technically. It is not a question of IF I will get them but WHEN I will get them. >:(

(And that's what she thinks.)
Butterfree (11/16/2012 13:39:08)
Showing him wouldn't compromise the future of TQftL; I just enjoy torturing him. :D
opaltiger (11/16/2012 13:45:00)
You'll eat your words when it turns out I was right about everything all along. >:(
Thomas_10 (11/17/2012 01:42:41)
Okay, Opaltiger, you're silly.
res (11/17/2012 02:38:04)
it shouldn't matter whether butterfree yields the chapters; you ought to release the relevant documents regardless.
Negrek (11/17/2012 03:19:04)

Will aid you in blackmailing effort in exchange for getting in on those chapters myself. Let me know.
opaltiger (11/17/2012 03:49:07)

between us we constitute 67 percent of the administrators of tCoDf. That means we can make Butterfree do whatever we want, right?
Butterfree (11/17/2012 04:13:22)
>:( Is this a coup?
thatoneguy (11/17/2012 05:02:11)
opaltiger you bring up a good point..between the two of you, you have 67%…which means each of you would constitute 33.5% …almost exactly on par with butterfree, hence, no extra 'umph' to get her to do your bidding :P haha
Kratos Aurion (11/17/2012 05:46:01)

Will blackmail the blackmailers for you! (That's right, Negrek, you know that I know what you've done.) All I ask for a fee is a single NaNo chapter—68 will do, I'd consider Sparky sufficient payment—or perhaps we can reach an agreement about some information on Morphic 2?
res (11/17/2012 17:47:32)
unaffect ought, reiterate ought ought out release informations relevants at without.
Butterfree (11/17/2012 22:15:08)

I am very interested in your blackmailing services. How about you blackmail the blackmailers, and in return I won't tell everyone about that incident. You know the one.
opaltiger (11/17/2012 22:20:09)
Kratos & Butterfree,

it's no use. I am squeaky clean. You might get Negrek, but this is greater than any one of us.
Thomas_10 (11/18/2012 00:56:50)
Is this still going on? Come on, Butterfree won't release the chapters until she wants to, right?
Thomas_10 (11/18/2012 18:43:40)
Thank you for stopping!
res (11/21/2012 01:01:05)
not that it matters, because these informations are totally necessary regardless of things.

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