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11/03/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 2

Technically I should have posted this (and chapter 62) yesterday, but shush, I was ridiculously tired.

Basically, I didn't get quite as much writing done as I would have wanted because I was traveling most of the day and my laptop's battery was limited. I'm at 305,096 words, which means 3218 words in altogether, which means I'm almost on schedule (115 words behind) thanks to having been comfortably ahead yesterday. And it's the weekend, so I should have plenty of time to get ahead again today.

That being said, I don't think I should deprive you of chapter 62 any longer, so before I get back to frenzied writing, I'm going to make some final tweaks to chapter 62 and get that up. Watch this space.


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