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10/19/2012: NaNoWriMo

opaltiger has convinced me to attempt to finish the fic for NaNo this year.

It's not quite as much of a stretch as it could be: the projected remaining length of the fic shouldn't be that much longer than fifty thousand words, I have planned out what's going to happen in the rest of the fic, and it does happen that motivation is probably the biggest hurdle on the way right now, because the next of those chapters I'm actually excited about writing because I've been planning them for years is quite a way off at this point. Also, there are some chapter splits I'm not actually sure of in the plan, for which it could actually help considerably if I wrote the entire rest before I started posting everything - otherwise we might get a repeat of chapter 46.

Hoping to finish chapter 62 before that. It turned out a bit differently from what I expected, so it's shorter than I thought it would be. I really just need to go and get it done.


Thomas_10 (10/19/2012 03:28:00)
Well, I hope it's finished soon!
SilverLatios47 (10/19/2012 03:39:24)
You have my infinite encouragements to do it! I know if you can sit down and just write, that you'll be able to! My personal biggest problem when facing long terms of not writing is simply not writing, and after I start forcing words out the dam usually collapses. It can just be hard to get the words to start.

I sincerely hope you accomplish your goal!
Sapph (10/22/2012 16:24:54)
I hope you accomplish your goal, good luck!
Chaos16 (10/22/2012 20:39:32)
I think it's safe to say we're all behind you 100 percent. Can't wait to see where everything goes from here. Good luck!
... (10/25/2012 15:04:35)
I can't wait until this chapter is finished… You can do this! I know you can! Never give up….
Superbird (10/27/2012 01:57:10)
…Actually, I was secretly hoping you would do this just so much. Good luck!
Negrek (10/27/2012 17:21:12)
:O It would be so cool if you actually managed to finish the story with this. Good luck! (And thanks for the review.)
Anon (10/28/2012 23:39:14)
Good luck! Dragonfree fighting~!
Polymetric Sesquialtera (10/29/2012 01:15:23)
Good luck ^^ this would be an awesome way to end the fic, I think :p
Chibi (10/29/2012 16:51:21)
Oh my god what. That…what…asdf…[chibi.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.]

Okay, let's try this again:

That would be the most amazing thing ever. (And would force me to hyper-accelerate the thing I was planning to do for qftl's next milestone, haha.) Makes me wish I could do that for my fic, but noooo, I have 20+ 3D models to finish in November. x.X

I imagine that even if you did blitz through the fic in one month, you'd space out the chapter postings to give yourself time to edit and refine them, right? Either way, damn would that be amazing.
Butterfree (10/31/2012 12:09:16)
Yeah, the chapters would be posted after a thorough editing, which would presumably happen incrementally after NaNo is over.

Thanks for all the words of encouragement, guys!

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