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06/21/2012: Chibi Pika continues to be amazing

Because they made this.

I want to flail and put it everywhere, but I'll settle for putting it here (and also in the fic art section when the internet cooperates).


Polymetric Sesquialtera (06/24/2012 13:03:07)
That's beautiful haha. There needs to be more detailed fanart for TQftL.
SilverLatios47 (07/06/2012 06:41:25)
This has made my life. We -do- need more of this.
Scaldaver (07/11/2012 20:46:12)
WOW. That's just…WOW. Epic thunderclouds give a sense of foreboding… Epic titans preparing for all-rounded epicness… I love it.
... (10/26/2012 13:20:19)
WOW….. … . *epicness overload* zztt ztt… *dies* (but seriously,… just WOW…)

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