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01/01/2008: Almost there...

Happy new year, everybody! I hereby resolve to write… at least five chapters in the year 2008, not counting finishing chapter 37. Now, if I do that it's still pretty lousy (though better than the past couple of years), so I also resolve to try to write ten chapters in 2008. I highly doubt I'll make it, but there, I've said it. Hopefully this will motivate me somewhat, as well as the thought that I'm getting ever closer to some of the bits I'm really looking forward to writing.

Chapter 37 is on the twenty-fourth page, and it's almost done. I mean it. Carl is battling Mark and Alan, and the battle is being pretty fast. It may not even get to becoming my longest chapter ever, although it probably will. I didn't finish it before the new year, but damn, I swear it will be up later tonight.

And go post more in the forum. I've got this lovely thread for forum suggestions up that I'm dying for some replies to.


Nostalgia (01/01/2008 00:00:00)
Sorry….I saw that suggestion thread, but didn't post, because…well, right now, I'm just happy to HAVE a forum to discuss your fic…and my lack of ideas.

And true, I don't post that much, but that's more because I'm shy, not because I hate your fic or your forum(If I hated it, I wouldn't be reading it or make an account for that matter).
Blaziking (01/01/2008 00:00:00)
Looks like you aren't gonna make it… discovered another battle or something? One minute to go, by my watch.
Butterfree (01/01/2008 00:00:00)
What? I never meant I'd finish it before midnight. "Later tonight", in my mind, means "at any point before I go to bed", and since I generally (these days, anyway) go to bed sometime between five and six AM my time, I've still got several hours to go, not to mention that the majority of my readers are from the US where it won't even be midnight until around then. :P
Blaziking (01/01/2008 00:00:00)
Nice to see it's up now, anyway! This'll take a while to read…
Zora of Termina (01/01/2008 00:00:00)
Between 5 and 6 AM? O_o I have to wake up at six thirty to get to school! How do you manage with such little sleep?
Butterfree (01/01/2008 00:00:00)
I'm still on my Christmas break (i.e. "these days"), so there's no school to motivate me to go to bed any earlier than that. Of course, this means I tend to wake up sometime between two and three PM.

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