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06/20/2011: Chapter 57 Up

Chapter 57: Three Conversations

Yeah. It really is just three conversations, so if you don't enjoy the characters babbling on, you probably won't be too thrilled by this chapter. Also, I'm not in a good enough writing mood right now and had a really hard time wording a lot of things in there, which rather detracts from it in my opinion. But I do like some of it.


Venomoth (06/20/2011 05:22:57)
I received the new chapter alert approximately fifteen seconds ago. I am excited to read this new chapter, babble-heavy or not.
Cheer up, Butterfree. Your therapist, TV Tropes and dark, morbid tales, has a session with you now. (joke)
Kevin (06/20/2011 05:23:00)
Wasn't expecting this yet, much less at this hour.

Still, I'm elated, as usual.
Pure Umbreon (06/20/2011 06:30:11)
While I can definitely say this is not the best chapter, I can also say that the chapter was perfectly fine. I rather liked the coversation between May and Stantler. The scene finally opened us up a bit into May's thoughts, which was wonderful.
Eternal (06/20/2011 07:06:24)
Honestly, I loved that chapter, mainly due to some of that character development in there. I'm also starting to like May's new Stantler quite a bit. ^^. So yeah, I do think this works, but I'm also a bit weird w/ my tastes in writing.
Venomoth (06/20/2011 12:48:52)
Indeed. The revealing of May's thoughts and Stantler's personality and upbringing was an interesting development.
Ella8420 (06/20/2011 23:11:06)
I really like the third conversation with May and Stantler. I'm starting to like May's new Pokémon.

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