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06/06/2011: Plot Recap

So here's a plot recap page, covering chapters 1-55 of the ILCOE. Once chapter 57 is put up, it will be updated with stuff from chapter 56 and so on, ensuring that the page will never contain spoilers for the latest chapter (so that you can use it to refresh your memory before you read a new chapter).

Tell me if you think something worth mentioning is missing. This is just off the top of my head. Also if the organization is way confusing. It's hard to tell.


Pure Umbreon (06/07/2011 01:00:40)
Thank you for this, seriously. It is very helpful to me to rejog my memory after not reading this fic for a while now. I couldn't think of anything that was missing, everything I could remember was covered.
Everglider (06/07/2011 05:16:32)
That made sense. I don't think you're missing anything, and I've read it pretty recently. Pure Umbreon must be on a different time zone than me, because I'm still in June 6th! The next chapter sounds intriguing.
Quinn2 (06/15/2011 01:43:17)
I feel like you ignored my post about checking the pokegym forums for the other fanfic (Remember? The one by Burninating Torchic?), but maybe you just didn't see it. Coincidentally your fanfic's birthday is on the same day Ocarina of Time 3D is released in America, which I find interesting.
Shadow Serenity (06/15/2011 08:09:52)
@Quinn: If memory serves, she did reply to you that she hadn't read them before and would check them out if she had spare time. This is at least the third time I've seen you posting about them. I'm not trying to be rude, but why do you keep bringing them up? If she wants to read them, she will.

Edit: And to stay on topic… I know you already have a page listing the main character's pokemon teams, but maybe you could slip their current roster into the recap pages? With the constant capturing/releasing of pokemon, both legendary any otherwise, it might help to keep them on one page. Just a thought. Otherwise I'd say that's a rather well done recap, I can't think of anything missing.

Edit 2: Butterfree replied to you here, Quinn. Look down at post #6.
Butterfree (06/15/2011 09:12:45)
I feel like you ignored my post about checking the pokegym forums for the other fanfic (Remember? The one by Burninating Torchic?), but maybe you just didn't see it. Coincidentally your fanfic's birthday is on the same day Ocarina of Time 3D is released in America, which I find interesting.
I have a crazy number of fanfics on my intending-to-read-this-sometime list, so actually it was a real rarity that after you made that post I did in fact Google the Pokégym forums, spend ages searching for the threads in question (it would have been a lot more convenient if you'd just given a link in the first place when I asked) and then actually read the first seven chapters of Daieoskail. I can't say I was overly impressed, though, to be honest; you can't spend the first five chapters on slice-of-life for fifteen billion different characters the reader has no reason to care about or be interested in beforehand, and a large part of my motivation to read on ended up being "I wonder just how many chapters will pass before something actually happens." I still have a tab open with it (both it and Elemental Legacies, actually) and might continue at some point since I've started, but currently my fanfic-of-choice is Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, which is seventy-something chapters so I might be a while.
Quinn2 (06/15/2011 17:59:33)
Sorry about that then. Just thought you might not have seen it. Good to know that you're intending to read it at some point at least. I might read the Harry Potter fic you mentioned as I currently have nothing better to do, except play minecraft.

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