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10/25/2010: Chapter 56 started!

I'm actually writing! Would you look at that?

So, um, yeah. It's not an overly remarkable chapter, but all progress is good, so.

I never knew the Ouen Safari's warden was Robin Riverstone's mom. Huh.


Sands Buisle (10/26/2010 12:17:55)
Urm, you're the one who decided she is. Its also good to know the chapter's getting along.

Sands used Me First.
Chaos16 (10/26/2010 20:23:10)
But it failed! Chaos used Protect! But it failed! …ahem, well it's good to see some progress, and I'm really intrigued by what May and Mark may or may not catch next. Also, just curious, will any of the Isshu region Pokemon appear in the fic from this point forward? I realize none of them would end up on any of the main characters' rosters, but since you've thrown in those of the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions, it made me wonder.
Butterfree (10/26/2010 20:39:47)
Also, just curious, will any of the Isshu region Pokemon appear in the fic from this point forward?
Of course. That's how this fic has always worked. When there's a new region out in English, I immediately pretend its Pokémon, moves, etc. have always been there and just happened not to appear/be used until now.
Anon (10/28/2010 20:54:52)
Urm, you're the one who decided she is.

It's like Alan spontaneously leaving. The story decided the warden was Robin's mom.
Sands Buisle (10/29/2010 07:05:34)
I know, its a joke of sorts. I just hope that the story doesn't 'decide' to become real.
ShadowDusk (10/30/2010 02:02:03)
yes,! finally i love this fan-fic! can't what till it's complete.
Butterfree (11/01/2010 02:18:16)
shadow, thanks, but please edit your signature and remove all but two or three of those adoptables. This is ridiculous.
Raitora Kuro Yamiraku (11/03/2010 05:07:18)
I love your spontaneous story happenings. I know that when I write, I never – and I mean NEVER – stick with what I had originally planned. xD
Scytherian Poetry (11/11/2010 12:32:20)
Careful, the fic's looking like its gonna start gaining awareness… Skyfic?
Lilfut (01/28/2011 23:57:44)
On Isshu/Unova pokemon, the main problem I could see with seamlessly including them is that Unova is completely separate from the other regions in terms of wild pokemon. If I may suggest, make foreign trainers have Unova pokemon, but don't have any of them appear in the wild.
Butterfree (01/29/2011 01:25:03)
It's not actually completely separate; in B/W the post-Elite Four areas (still on mainland Unova) contain mostly Pokémon from the previous generations. The only difference between it and Hoenn, really, is that the player happens to be confined to a part that incidentally contains only fifth-generation Pokémon for the duration of the main storyline.

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