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02/17/2010: Oh, dear.

Damn it, this conversation just won't end and they keep talking about more and more stuff I never meant for them to talk about anywhere near now. <_< Stop trying to be the main focus of the chapter, conversation! There's supposed to be a battle here!


elyvorg (02/18/2010 01:06:43)
Don't you just love it when something that was never meant to be the main point of a chapter completely takes it over?
Steele (02/18/2010 03:29:20)
Me (02/18/2010 06:26:28)
Yeah huh?
But it still sounds like its gonna be an awesome chapter………..
Butterfree (02/18/2010 11:25:31)
Don't you just love it when something that was never meant to be the main point of a chapter completely takes it over?
Absolutely, eh?

At least this is a very, very, very interesting conversation, so I hope nobody will mind.
Pure Umbreon (02/18/2010 13:48:39)
I probably wont mind. Let the conversation go where it must.
puredragon222 (02/21/2010 01:24:32)
I was planning to draw a picture with a vague idea of what you look like in my mind (it's not like I've ever met you and have only your 'About Me' section to go on) sitting at a desk, trying in vain to stop your rampaging computer from spewing out a conversation that would take over the chapter, but then I realised I am way too lazy to do that.

Yes, I realise that was the most random thing since a ninja cheese sandwitch.
elementalpenguin (02/21/2010 04:19:12)
Oh yes. Please let it go on. I am very interested in seeing Chaletwo's opinion on wouls. To me, it feels like he's quite no-nonsense about that sorta thing. Then again, he is quite silly sometimes. Like the dragons.
Scytherian Poetry (02/21/2010 11:22:28)
Never interfere when things like this happen. Think of it as divine intervention. It was meant to be.
Butterfree (02/21/2010 13:58:51)
I was planning to draw a picture with a vague idea of what you look like in my mind (it's not like I've ever met you and have only your 'About Me' section to go on) sitting at a desk, trying in vain to stop your rampaging computer from spewing out a conversation that would take over the chapter, but then I realised I am way too lazy to do that.
Haha, that is an awesome image. x3 But I've actually finished the conversation now, so.

Oh yes. Please let it go on. I am very interested in seeing Chaletwo's opinion on souls.
Oh, they're not even talking about souls anymore. By the time I wrote this entry, they were talking about the plot. Hence the "stuff I never intended to have them talk about anywhere near now".

Chaletwo doesn't exactly have an "opinion" on souls; they do necessarily exist in the world of this story, and being a Psychic Pokémon, he can even directly sense them and communicate with them. It's more "how souls work in this fic, let me show you it". Until they start talking about the plot.
opaltiger (02/21/2010 15:24:32)
You certainly sound eager to get this chapter done!
elementalpenguin (02/24/2010 03:25:23)
Chaletwo doesn't exactly have an "opinion" on souls; they do necessarily exist in the world of this story, and being a Psychic Pokémon, he can even directly sense them and communicate with them. It's more "how souls work in this fic, let me show you it". Until they start talking about the plot.
"Show you it?" Oh, I am going to enjoy if that actually can be taken fully seriously. I am eagerly awaiting this. I hope your word choice there was all it was meant to be…
Butterfree (02/24/2010 05:07:59)
I'm afraid the "show you it" bit was just a reference to the meme and in actuality it's more "tell you it".
Leafpool (02/24/2010 23:19:12)
Why is it that TCoD has visitors with inability to recognize memes on occasion? xD
Scytherian Poetry (02/25/2010 12:26:45)
Cause we're all really half illiterate! :P

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