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01/08/2010: More Bios

Since I had three Internetless days to work on stuff like the character bios in peace, I now have all of the ILCOE bios (but not the Scyther spin-off ones) up except Molzapart's, which is also nearly done.

Featuring, among other things: the horribly tragic story of Sparky's life, the Mew Hunter's inability to form bonds normally, the name of Victor's sixth Pokémon, and Chaletwo's daddy issues.


Someone (01/08/2010 05:05:54)
First, also, these are really interesting, keep up the good work.
Scytherian Poetry (01/08/2010 11:24:32)
I thought you hated writing about Molzapart?
Butterfree (01/08/2010 11:52:57)
I do, but that doesn't mean I can escape making a character bio for him. He's still important to the story, unfortunately.

It's a good excuse to try to apologize for the fact he exists, anyway.
Chaos16 (01/08/2010 14:01:37)
Speaking of Molzapart, didn't you once say you plan to replace him with an Uxie/Mespriit/Azelf-like Pokémon in a latter revision of the story? I vaguely remember you posting a sprite of it back before everything got deleted.
Butterfree (01/08/2010 14:16:46)
Yes, Mementity. She is still planned to replace him in the IALCOTN, unless I think of something better before it gets to that.
Chaos16 (01/08/2010 14:22:47)
Could you repost the sprite?
Butterfree (01/08/2010 14:45:35)
It wasn't a sprite, actually; it was a picture I drew.
elyvorg (01/08/2010 15:01:56)
Sparky is completely adorable and I want to give him many hugs and birthday presents. :3

Also, yay for messed-up characters! In particular I never realised how interesting Rick was until I read his bio.

And now I'm really really looking forward to those spinoff character rambles. =D
Butterfree (01/08/2010 15:29:59)
:3 I've started writing them already. I hope you'll like them!

Anyway, Molzapart's bio is up.
Data_Error (01/08/2010 17:12:36)
Very nice. Slight error, though: in Carl's bio, it mentions that he has been well-respected in the Stormy Town community, where I think you mean the Crater Town community. (end of pre-story bio)
Tiffano (01/11/2010 03:55:14)
There is a typo in Chaletwo's Bio [q]"and most of the peple and "[/q]
elyvorg (01/11/2010 17:11:11)
Sparky's hair is listed as "very short", yet it's described as "wavy" when he's introduced in the story, which doesn't add up. Contradiction, I say! Which is it?

(okay, so I only noticed this because I have a fairly vivid mental image of him in my head and this coupled with how much I love him has recently been making me kind of sort of want to attempt drawing him. Possibly.)
Butterfree (01/11/2010 17:20:30)
It's short but would be wavy if it weren't! Or something! >:/
elyvorg (01/11/2010 17:23:12)
D: So it's officially not wavy? D'aww, I preferred my mental image when it was.
Pure Umbreon (01/13/2010 00:34:40)
My favorite Bio is Alan's… May's Bio was pretty interesting as well. Really wish that I had been able to read them when they came out!
Spirit of the Red and White Dragon (02/11/2016 22:44:06)
I am the red and white dragon's spirit. Fear me. Either that or be honored to be in my presence. Bleh. I swear that I'm in the past again. SNEAKPEAK: Lentaine the peach-colored legendary with a weird, blue, somewhat Breloom-cap-like, cap! Ivernori the green otter with a flower attached to her tail! Flameko the fire monster! Numadon the yellow, living-on-a-marsh, rabbit! Yayyyy. Ignore me (like anyone's going to see this).

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