12/07/2009: A month already?
Well. Um, I suppose I should fill you in. I've written something like half a page since last time and I've got the plot stuff down, so it's just finding the time and motivation to finish writing it. Today I randomly started writing a one-shot, which I think I'll try to finish over the next few days, but I have plenty of Christmas break to get bored and poke myself into writing the chapter. So yeah.
Pure Umbreon (12/07/2009 02:33:21)
I am interested in the one shot, and I don't even know what it's about yet! =D
ShadowDusk (12/07/2009 02:46:38)
cool glad your getting along with the chapter!
InnerDemon (12/07/2009 05:21:08)
Ahh third comment. Dam you Umbreon and my obsession with Starcraft mapmaking!
Buttt on the other hand :). Take your time Butterfreee!
Also… :0. Gonna give us a teaser on the one-shot? :)
To Steele : I beat you >:).
Steele (12/07/2009 06:15:24)
Oh Sh*t. I will get you…… Someday…. So, could you at least give us the genre of the one-shot? Comedy, maybe? Or is that too much?
Butterfree (12/07/2009 15:41:54)
It's horror, actually. Kind of.
Steele (12/07/2009 20:24:20)
Kitsune (12/08/2009 21:44:07)
InnerDemon (12/09/2009 01:07:01)
I love horror! I hope it's scary and involves a certain person with a metallic-based name dying.
Butterfree (12/09/2009 02:47:21)
Yes, Pokémon-related. No, it does not involve any character you know.
Steele (12/09/2009 07:35:17)
*Steaming with fury* I hope it involves a person owning 'Embraing Destiny' dying! And I hope Demon gets killed!
Shpewn (12/09/2009 20:43:42)
Ooh, I like horror. Also, feel free to take your time; I've found six-month breaks can help my writing process. =P
…That may be why I don't post my stuff on the Internet.
InnerDemon (12/10/2009 00:14:06)
How dare you Steele! I demand you an I start a fighting thread in which we both argue our cases and Pokemon! That way… we won't spam this thread with useless crap!
You make the thread >:). I'm too lazy/
Butterfree (12/10/2009 04:30:58)
He attempted to start that thread the other day, and it was deleted for violating the one rule: this forum is for discussing The Quest for the Legends, not for two members who have established a rivalry between themselves to take up space squabbling with one another.
Steele (12/10/2009 23:57:26)
Eh, just go to some useless website, or one that doesn't check for spam very often. Maybe IGN. But I would have to register…. Or just wait till' I master HTML. I am attempting to learn it, and I might eventually get a site going.
InnerDemon (12/12/2009 01:20:09)
xD. Haha. I'm fine with waiting and you should respect the rules Steele >:(.
Butterfree (12/12/2009 04:54:25)
Since people seem to have expressed an interest, I might as well note that the one-shot is five pages so far and I'd estimate it's about halfway done.
InnerDemon (12/13/2009 03:15:49)
Whooo :). I'm so ready for this one-shot :0. I'm deprived of Pokemon right now.
Sands Buisle (12/13/2009 15:03:28)
I don't like horror much.
Butterfree (12/13/2009 17:43:10)
Well, it's not exactly horror - it's not gory or anything. More mildly creepy, though it sort of depends on what you find creepy. And I make no sense and should stop blathering.
Scytherian Poetry (12/17/2009 10:50:45)
So… Not the typical morbid shorty?
SilverLatios47 (12/19/2009 01:28:41)
Scytherian Poetry? interesting name. I'd like to know what a Scyther's poetry would be like :D
To stay relevant, I've been on my toes waiting…eagerly…This story inspires me so much. Excited about the one-show >:3
SilverLatios47 (12/19/2009 01:29:45)
Scytherian Poetry? interesting name. I'd like to know what a Scyther's poetry would be like :D
To stay relevant, I've been on my toes waiting…eagerly…This story inspires me so much. Excited about the one-shot >:3
Leafpool (12/19/2009 13:14:18)
SilverLatios: when you said "Scytherian Poetry? interesting name." I thought you were referring to the name of the one-shot and I was like "what, what, where'd the name get written D:"
Butterfree (12/19/2009 21:17:38)
x3 The one-shot is definitely not about Scytherian poetry, I'm afraid.
Kitsune (12/21/2009 02:10:52)
Perhaps you should write about Scytherian poetry after the one-shot, Miss Butterfree. I can bet you would make it be interesting. =3
Yay, Dialga spammy!
Butterfree (12/24/2009 01:21:38)
I don't think Scyther in the TQftL-verse have poetry to begin with. :P
In any case, that one-shot is now eleven pages and nearly done. :o
Kitsune (12/24/2009 02:39:33)
Excitement! X3
Butterfree (12/25/2009 20:23:16)
So if you didn't notice, the one-shot, Curse, is now up at the site.
Phyro Phantom (12/26/2009 02:35:05)
Wow that story was totally creepy. o_O The way it kept cutting off to the flashbacks added to the weirdness, and the emotional change was portrayed greatly from beginning to end. The flashbacks were a little confusing at first, but I got it after the second or third one. Quite a different take on that move, I must say.
I have a question though: does Safeguard really protect you from self-induced confusion? I never tried it to that end before…
Butterfree (12/26/2009 02:45:30)
I'm not sure if it still does off the top of my head, but it did in G/S/C, and this is essentially a G/S/C fic; you'll notice that no post-Advance Pokémon or moves are mentioned in it.
It's actually a rewrite of a much shorter ficlet I wrote in 2005; it was a weird blend of first person from the Dragonite's point of view and third person and covered only the final battle with the Tyranitar. Most of the backstory, or the bits of it that were explained in the first-person bits, was also different: the trainer was male, never had any idea there was anything off about Curse and was not portrayed as being particularly close to the Dragonite, which was not his first Pokémon, and they were implied to have had Curse for a while by then.
Phyro Phantom (12/30/2009 02:24:07)
Hmm… the way you did it on the newer one definitely sounds like it pulled it off better.
I… actually didn't notice that to be honest. xD But you're right.
Hmm… Maybe I should try it sometime in the newer games to see if it still works.
Sands Buisle (12/30/2009 16:44:44)
Safegaurd protects you from all status conditions, including self-inflicted, so it works.
Btw, you wrote that the Dragonite's trainer was female, and now you say that its a male? I don't get it, unless you're talking about the Snorlax's trainer…
Also, Scytherians are people who lived at the times of ancient greece, they would make robes from the skalps of the warriors they defeated, and the warriors would have to get one, or they'll get no loot.
And that is all for today's history lesson, please throw up in the toilets and not on your history books please, thank you.
Kitsune (12/30/2009 17:14:27)
Scytherians sound scary. ;-;
Butterfree (12/30/2009 20:34:09)
Btw, you wrote that the Dragonite's trainer was female, and now you say that its a male? I don't get it, unless you're talking about the Snorlax's trainer…I was explaining the differences between the version I just wrote and the version I wrote in 2005. In the new one the trainer is female (Kari), but in the old one the trainer was male (and had no name). Everything I said in that paragraph was referring to the old version in contrast to the new one.