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10/07/2009: Chapter 50 up!

The Ouen League - Chapter 50: Friendly Competition

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


RLabs (10/08/2009 00:01:37)
Totally great chapter… something I noticed at the end, though: wouldn't Mark's Pokemon be unable to live in Sailance because of the Effect?
Butterfree (10/08/2009 00:15:55)
Yet again: note that this is the ILCOE. There is no actual Effect in the ILCOE; Pokémon just don't live there for unknown reasons.
Steele (10/08/2009 00:16:08)
Sigh……..But now I have to wait for the next (Bleepin') chapter. And if the theory about the destroyer living in the center of the effect is correct, when they catch the destroyer, the effect will falter.
Butterfree (10/08/2009 00:24:27)
Nobody wants to catch the Destroyer. Attempting to go anywhere near something with nearly all the original power of the legendaries combined would be suicidal, to say the least.
InnerDemon (10/08/2009 00:35:41)
Ah! Fifth comment :P. Anyways! This was so awesome. The battle between May and Mark was epic :].
But Mark's done training when he's done AHHH! Poor Scyther.
Steele (10/08/2009 00:44:44)
Oh yeah, forgot about having no effect in the ILCOE version. And I must have been typing the last post when you were posting.
Mags (10/08/2009 01:18:15)
Wait, it's the 8th already?

Aside from that, I REALLY hope that this chapter is awesome. ^_^
Steele (10/08/2009 02:14:14)
Course' the chapter is awesome!
Pure Umbreon (10/08/2009 04:55:36)
Awesome! I was picking semifinals for the Mark/May showdown, but I won't begrude that, the chapter was way too good.

Chapter 50 is #3 on my all time favorites, outranked by the #2 Chapter 33 and #1 Chapter 48
Sands Buisle (10/08/2009 05:51:03)
If you look, next to your name is the date and time of post, you posted a minute (or less/more, since it doesn't show seconds) after Butterfree.
Steele (10/08/2009 06:16:56)
I meant that I was typing when Butterfree hit the 'Post Reply' button.
Happy (10/08/2009 11:55:30)
The reason no Pokemon live in Sailance is because of peer pressure.
Sands Buisle (10/08/2009 16:20:59)
Say what?
Steele (10/08/2009 19:56:56)
What? O.K. I said 'What', now what should I do? Alright, what I meant was that I was writing my post when butterfree hit the reply button, so I didn't get her opinion before I posted.
Butterfree (10/08/2009 20:25:32)
I think SandStormBuisle was talking to Happy, not you, what with Happy both being the last poster and having made a much more cryptic comment.
Steele (10/08/2009 21:03:27)
Oh. Whatever.
Leafpool (10/11/2009 16:06:14)
"Why would you want to live in Sailance? Nobody cool lives there! You're such a loser if you want to live there. C'mon, let's go to Ruxido." "D:"
ShadowDusk (10/12/2009 00:31:55)
yay new chapter!

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