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11/27/2007: I'm going to do it.

Well. 48,292 words and three days left to write the remaining 1708. That averages to some 570 words per day. Given that I've been writing around and over 2000 words per day the whole latter two thirds of the month, barring some exceptional cases where I was particularly busy, I am basically saying that I will almost definitely finish my NaNo tomorrow. Or, if tomorrow becomes a day where I am particularly busy, such as if I make a trip to my boyfriend's place to borrow book nine of The Dresden Files which, knowing us, would be extended until past eleven o'clock, I will finish it on Thursday. It seems inevitable that I will indeed successfully finish NaNoWriMo unless my hard drive decides to fry itself or I die tomorrow in a tragic accident. (Oh, dear, now I've jinxed myself, haven't I?) What was only a distant dream at the beginning of the month and seemed like an impossibility on the eighth of November where I was some 5000 words behind the recommended minimum has now very nearly become reality. There's a marvelous feeling of achievement to it. I've never before realized how strangely easy it is to write 2000 words - hell, 2000 above-average-in-quality-for-my-standards words at that - in only the three hours from nine o'clock to midnight. I haven't had any of those insane 5000-word days like last year, but I've managed to keep a steady progress throughout while calmly balancing schoolwork and real life with NaNo - what I completely failed to do in 2006, where I lost interest after a couple of days and only really picked up the pace again when my NaNo was pretty much beyond help. I feel proud already just of this one achievement. Things went slow at first but I picked it up before it became too late, and am now about to become a winner.

The time has been enough. The storyline has been enough material - half of the possible plot devices I had been picking up from the reader suggestions of a couple of posts ago I didn't even need at all, and most of the other half were things already in the sketchy details I had outlined in my head at the time I asked for the suggestions. I am very surprised at how many words came out of those vague ideas I had. I will emphasize that I very much appreciate all the suggestions that I got, and am sorry I didn't manage to find any place to include most of them; I am merely musing at how much I could make of what I had already, although I don't think I could have made it without the brain processes induced by the questions. I thank all of you who took the time to post a suggestion.

And here I am, about to crawl over the finish line a couple of days early with a story that, as it turned out, was not at all the short failure I had worried it would be, but too big even to be fit into 50,000 words - because I do foresee that those 1708 words remaining will not even be enough to fit in the end I am planning. It won't be any great deal longer, and I probably will try to finish the entirety of it before the end of November, but it will be longer. This especially feels funny to realize. It won't even be done when I've gotten to 50,000. I don't even know if I'll have enough motivation to finish it after that.

And through all this writing and all those nearly 50,000 words, I still have not thought of a good, non-clichéd, appropriate title for it. It has been suggested that I could use a quote from Macbeth, and I have found plenty of appropriate ones, but none that would work well as a title.

Ah well. I'll think of something. Off to bed I go. Thanks for all the support and help throughout the month. It's been fun.


T-man (11/27/2007 00:00:00)
Great. Awesome. Now, if you could only do this kinda speed of TQFTL, then you get a gold medal. Ah, well. *Puts back*
Zora the Terminian (11/27/2007 00:00:00)
Go Butterfree! *cheers* Three days left and you're already pretty much done early! I can't wait to read it if you put it up. And I believe you said you would. I don't remember.
Vanishing Rayquaza (11/27/2007 00:00:00)
Wow, that's good. Looking forward to TQFTL now.
Deilos (11/27/2007 00:00:00)
Well done! I'm looking forward to reading it, and good luck finding a decent title.
Happypants3 (11/27/2007 00:00:00)
From reading this blog it's obvious just how estatic you are about nearly finishing Nanowrimo <3 Congratulations! We all knew you had it in you ^^

Title, um… well, remember you have an indeterminate amount of time to think up a good name before you release Scyther's Story II to the public, so don't have a stroke trying =P Most good titles relate to the story more than they first seem to, and they aren't very long nor do they use 'the' or 'a.' That's all my advice ^^; Good luck!

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