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04/04/2009: Chapter 47, aka chapter 46 part one.

Okay, I did it (see previous Quest Blog entry for details). Sorry I didn't give you a lot of time to give your opinions. My mind just really tends to make itself up very shortly after I make a poll like that.

The Ouen League - Chapter 47: The First Preliminary

To explain exactly what I did, for those who did not see the previous entry or were confused by it: chapter 45 part II, as added onto the original chapter 45 in December, has been made into chapter 46, while this is the first twenty-one pages of what I thought was going to be chapter 46. If you've read the entirety of the fic up until now, just pretend that the second part of chapter 45 was called chapter 46 when you read it; no actual changes to the content of the story have been made other than this perfectly ordinary addition of a new chapter.

In any case, I hope you enjoy it. Since I didn't decide to split this chapter until now, close to seven pages of what is to be chapter 48 have already been written, meaning it will probably take a shorter time than usual, to make up for the rather long wait for chapter 47.


Lugia (04/04/2009 06:48:32)
Impressive =D awesome battle, but that should have been against the rules! Both Pokemon could have died from being drowned…
elyvorg (04/04/2009 11:08:18)
It struck me halfway through this battle that Aaron was that kid who got the Ditto at the starter giveaway back in Green Town.

The strategising made the battle a lot of fun and I want the next one now. :3

May!Letal amuses me.
SlowCrow (04/04/2009 12:08:03)
>_> You know, the results of that frustrated me even more because I've experienced a cheap loss like that recently. Oh well, at least Mark can have the comfort of an almost guaranteed victory for his next match, since it probably won't be a water arena next time. Plus, I highly doubt he'll come this far just to lose the preliminaries, he IS a main character after all. But you never know… :P

Anyway, it was kinda fun to see Mark's Pokemon (especially Letal)actively think about a battle rather than Mark making all of the decisions by himself *coughortotallylisteningtowhatMaysayscough* and throwing them into battle. Coughing of May, it seems like she's influenced Mark's Pokemon's moveset quite a bit, TM wise anyway. Also, it seems like when Mark finally gets some time away from May, Letal decides to fill in the roll, lol.

Anyway (I seriously need another transaction word), it was a good chapter; keep on writing. :D
Butterfree (04/04/2009 12:49:21)
Impressive =D awesome battle, but that should have been against the rules! Both Pokemon could have died from being drowned…
I was about to point you to a certain section of the chapter, but then I realized that that part is in chapter 48 now for the sake of preserving the cliffhanger. In any case, it is addressed there.

It struck me halfway through this battle that Aaron was that kid who got the Ditto at the starter giveaway back in Green Town.
Hee, somebody noticed. :3 Without the hint that is now in chapter 48, even!

I'm really glad you guys enjoyed the strategizing; I've been worrying that it might drag in those parts to have them spend a long time making up strategies that then turn out to need to be thrown out anyway. Thanks for the comments! :3
darthjarjar (04/04/2009 16:02:45)
wow thats completly random… freakin maytal =P…
SilverLatios47 (04/04/2009 17:05:26)
Oh yay!!
I've been waiting for the next chapter for a loong time now!! *runs off to read*
Lugia (04/04/2009 23:24:19)
Well I dunno if I said something good or bad =( But I feel really sorry for Letal, she's awesome and I want one ^^
Pure Umbreon (04/05/2009 04:11:01)
O_O I would have never noticed that Aaron already appeared in the fic, but then again, I read that chapter quite some time ago.

As for the who drowning thing, it was MARK'S choice to use Charizard on a water field. Aaron is cheap and a undeniably insensitive to his Pokemon, but in the end it falls on Mark for having used Charizard on a water field and for forgetting that not everyone is as ethical as he is

Great chapter Butterfree! I was riding the edge of my seat the whole battle! Strategizing fit very well, especially since all of us need to be brought up to speed on everything that has changed with the Pokemon. My favorite part is definitely the usage of Pursuit/U-turn. I hope to see plenty more of that combo in future chapters!

I will also suspect that Mewtwo2's presence at the battle is a bit more than coincidence…..
Sapph (04/06/2009 21:45:22)
Nice chapter it is Definitly better than mine. Then again everyone is better than me:(.*Ditches own fic to read*
ShadowDusk (04/13/2009 23:45:41)
hurray! you finally finished the chapter! keep working I can't wait for you to finish the ah… book!

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