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03/18/2009: Writing

Oh, man, these scenes are so much longer than I anticipated. I said something like a couple of pages of between-battle stuff, right? Well, I'm about to start the sixth page of it, and there's still some left.

Basically I'm about to start page twenty-five of the chapter. The whole latter battle is still left. Happily, I'm really enjoying this, and think I'll have fun with the battle as well, so hopefully the moment of completion is inching closer.


ShadowDusk (03/18/2009 01:31:00)
Kansprung (03/18/2009 04:41:15)


Cool!!! hope you finish!
Pure Umbreon (03/18/2009 15:58:52)
This is going to be one MONSTER of a chapter. =D
As always, can't wait to read it!!
Pikachu Goddess (03/19/2009 02:58:06)
*pumps fist* Yes! I've been impatiently waiting for this chapter to come like a small child a month before Christmas. I'm glad you're working on it, Butterfree. :3
Sapph (03/19/2009 12:25:44)
Yah! Keep up the good work Butterfree.
I love your story.
Sands Buisle (03/20/2009 06:01:05)
Come on! This is the 1st chapter I have to wait for! THE WAITING IS KILLING ME!(I don't know how to do bold) also your fic ROCKS!
Lugia (03/22/2009 03:47:59)
Awesome! I'm looking forward to reading it ^^ The best fanfic I've found about Pokemon!
Shiny Froslass (03/24/2009 03:44:25)
Yay! Looking Forward to it! ^_^
Kansprung (03/26/2009 16:19:08)
Finnish!! Finnish!!! you can do it, butterfree!
sreservoir (03/27/2009 22:25:01)
This is 1/20 of the entire thing? Wow.

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