Comments on The Final Stretch – Chapter 71: Shattered

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 71: Shattered

Regarding the ball modification, in lore everything used to be acorn balls not that terribly long ago. Then modern Pokeballs came along - which I believe may all be produced by Silph Co who has a monopoly? - and by GSC, Kurt is the only person who still knows the ancient art of making acorn balls. I wonder if perhaps modern balls would be too tough to crack, but if they could instead research acorn balls. It's been a while since GSC/Kurt's time in the fic timeline, so he may have passed away by now. But could he have left notes? An apprentice?

Alternatively, there's plenty of stuff in real life that is extremely dangerous but very easy to make if you just go check out a library book and look into it. Like bombs. But people don't, because it's illegal and wrong.

[06/14/2024 12:10:54]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 71: Shattered

Allt að gerast. En það er ein málsgrein sem er óljós. Hún byrjar á "And you yelling at your Vibrava…" Ég var lengi að átta mig á því hver sagði þetta við hvern, og þó ég gæti klórað mig fram úr því þá er vísað í atburði sem urðu fyrir svo mörgum köflum síðan að það er ómögulegt að rifja það upp. Það er aftur á móti góð upprifjun á fundi Marks og Mew Hunters, alla vega rifjaðist það upp fyrir mér. Ein klaufavilla eða tvær þar sem vantar skáletur þegar Chaletwo talar.

[04/15/2017 09:42:11]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 71: Shattered

Oh man it has been so so long since I've been hit with Rob's feels and my love for him is as strong as it has been for years, I never would have thought we'd actually get to see totally unfiltered words from him to himself, this is just wonderful.

[12/25/2016 01:48:31]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 71: Shattered

Jeez. I guess it's divine law that happiness and admiration can't exist so close to the last chapter. Mark and May seem to be headed for rock bottom, but I'm hoping they'll just break through rock bottom and keep heading further downward.

It's cool how the group fell apart so naturally. Tyranitar turning himself in was unexpected, and it's interesting how he lied about the circumstances of Taylor's murder. A lot of this chapter pulled out references to earlier ones, and given the TV report's emphasis on the police, plus how the League Finals proved that Mewtwo^2 can ignore Dark-type immunity, I'm not counting on Tyranitar's real role remaining buried for long.

Speaking of earlier references, the focus on Rick and the Mew Hunter suggests that genuine human antagonists are returning and it's odd to be reminded of how they've already been met and survived. After so many legendary fights and insane Pokémon, dealing with some human insanity seems weird for seasoned legendary hunters.

The Mew Hunter's diary gave him some good characterization, and I enjoyed seeing how he justifies his actions to himself. I don't think I'll see him again, but I really look forward to the next chapter and possibly getting insight on how Rick sees the world.

[11/19/2016 20:53:50]

Pages: 1