Comments on Chapter 61: Mewtwo

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Latias spirit
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Mewtwo needs insurance? I should make a one-shot about Mew trying to sell insurance to Mewtwo.

[01/12/2016 06:06:49]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Why does Mewtwo refer to Mew as "she" while Chaletwo refers to Mew as "he"? Does Mew have preferred pronouns?

Reply: Mew has no pronoun preference, so it's up to the speaker how they want to refer to Mew. Mewtwo prefers to use "she" to distinguish her from him as part of working out his cloning blues, whereas Chaletwo uses "he" for everyone who doesn't expressly prefer "she". I wrote a post going into a bit more detail on this on the Quest Blog shortly after this chapter was posted, but it also briefly comes up in chapter 51, where Entei also referred to Mew as "she" while Chaletwo used "he".

[07/24/2015 04:33:29]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Earlier, Chaletwo said Mew was a he.
In this chapter, Mewtwo calls Mew a she.
Also in this chapter, Chaletwo calls Mew a he.
Did Mew genderswap after the War if the Legends happened, or something…?
Well, in the Councilverse, Mew can switch genders, although she prefers female.
But that's a completely different set of headcanon, with nothing to do with this fanfic.
Really great story.
Personally, I think the Destroyer is Arceus! Even though he wasn't created yet when this story was first made…

Reply: In this fic, all genderless legendaries are asexual beings, but some of them prefer one pronoun or the other. Others, like Mew, don't care, and the pronoun used is up to the speaker. This is briefly mentioned in chapter 51, though I should have established it better since a lot of people forget about that and get confused here where two different pronouns are being prominently used for Mew in the same chapter.

Chaletwo refers to all legendaries with no pronoun preference as "he"; he just made a rule and sticks with it. Mark's narration has largely picked that up from him. Entei tends towards "she" for smaller, less imposing legendaries as a subtle way to be condescending. Mewtwo refers to Mew as "she" to differentiate himself from her. May generally calls genderless legendaries "it" because she doesn't care about the dehumanizing implications of it. There are characterization reasons behind most characters' choices of pronoun for Mew (and other such legendaries, but Mew is the most prominent).

[05/06/2014 02:11:21]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Ja, hérna. Þetta var flókinn kafli.
Alan er aftur með þeim, ég var búin að gleyma því. Svo er tala um bræður Raudra og Puragon og Dragoreen. Voru þær þrjár systur? Svo kemur eitthvað fram um að líkami Mewtwos sem sá sami og líkami Chaletwos? Mew er ýmist karlkyns, kvenkyns eða hvorugkyns. Svo máttu rifja upp þetta með Destroyer og fyrra stríðið. Og svo er talað um að Chalenor hafi dáið í fyrra stríðinu, en samt gat hann farið fram í tímann? Og það er talað um að Chalenor muni koma til að ná í Mewtwo, og fara með hann aftur í tímann, og að þá deyi Mewtwo? Ég bara botna ekkert í þessu. Ertu til í að útskýra þetta allt fyrir mér?

Reply: Þetta eru allt mikilvægir hlutir sem hefur verið talað um mörgum sinnum í sögunni. Já, þær eru þrjár systur og eiga þrjá bræður; það var talað um það heillengi í þarsíðasta kafla (sem var líka þegar Alan kom aftur). Chaletwo lítur út nákvæmlega eins og Mewtwo, sem hann útskýrði upphaflega samkvæmt því sem Mew sagði honum: fyrir síðasta stríð (þegar Chalenor var enn á lífi) fór Chalenor fram í tímann og tók Mewtwo með til baka, þannig að Mewtwo dó í því stríði, og eftir að Mew vaknaði notaði hann líkama Mewtwo til að búa til Chaletwo (í þeirri von að endurlífga Chalenor). Þessi útskýring gengur hins vegar ekki alveg upp vegna þess að samkvæmt Chaletwo virka tímaferðalög þannig að það þarf orku til að halda einhverjum á tíma sem er ekki þeirra eigin, og þegar Chalenor missti krafta sína hefði Mewtwo átt að færast sjálfkrafa aftur á sinn eigin tíma. Kenning Chaletwo um hvernig það gat staðist var að einhver annar kraftur hefði haldið Mewtwo í fortíðinni.

Hér kemur Mark með aðra kenningu, sem er að Mewtwo sjálfur hafi aldrei farið aftur í tímann, heldur aðeins afrit af líkama hans. Ef það er hins vegar rangt, þá munu hlutirnir væntanlega gerast eins og Chaletwo skildi þá, þ.e. Chalenor (frá því fyrir fyrra stríðið) mun koma og fara með Mewtwo aftur í tímann, þar sem hann mun deyja (í fyrra stríðinu).

Mew er kynlaus. Sá sem talar getur valið hvaða persónufornöfn eru notuð fyrir hann; Chaletwo og Mark nota "hann", en May notar "það" og Mewtwo notar "hún". Þetta hefur komið fram áður. Ég skrifaði líka smápistil sem talar nánar um þetta og af hverju hver notar hvaða fornafn, ef þú hefur áhuga.

Ef þú ert búin að gleyma um hvað Destroyerinn snýst ertu búin að gleyma meginatriðum plottsins. Ég ráðlegg þér að lesa stríðshlutann á "Plot Recap" síðunni.

[11/11/2012 10:03:36]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

No. It can't be! I just figured out that the destroyer is Molzapart! He uses memory modification to prevent the other legendaries from suspecting him, and you must have posted "Molzapart and Raiticune" for a reason (LOL). Besides, why are you only replacing Molzapart and not Chalenor or someone else? I know you're just going to say that my hypothesis might not be correct or something, but this is my best hypothesis yet!

Reply: I'm replacing Molzapart and not Chalenor or someone else because Molzapart is a tantalizingly dumb mixture of other legendaries that I created when I was eleven and Chalenor etc. are not.

If I were you I'd be very surprised if Molzapart had any kind of a crucial role, both because the fact he's replaceable would seem to indicate he's not that important in himself, and because I've generally spent most of the fic pretending he doesn't exist. You should also be accounting for the fact that according to at least how Chaletwo understands the Destroyer, he wouldn't be able to drain power while in a Pokéball with no physical anchor outside of it, which Molzapart has been for most of the fic. And for the fact that Molzapart wasn't even born until quite recently, on a legendary timescale, and quite by accident at that.

[10/19/2012 03:34:44]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Yeah, I don't exactly know who the destroyer is, but I know it has something to do with Chalenor/Mew. Really, there was a lot of evidence in Chapter 61. Can Mew time travel by itself, or does it have to be with the preserver? That would explain a lot.

Reply: The only Pokémon that can time-travel are the Preserver and Celebi.

[10/06/2012 21:54:14]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Hey, Butterfree, awesome fic. I think I'm getting pretty close to telling who the destroyer is! I pretty much just eliminated the ones I don't know, but still…

Mew: Uh, why would you make Mew the destroyer? Mew is probably asscotiated with him/her/it, but I don't think Mew's the destroyer.

Molzapart: Ah, interesting. Unless you're lying about Memenity, or Memenity (I probably spelled it wrong, I meant the 4th pixie) is the destroyer, too, Molzapart isn't the Destroyer. Personally, I love Molzapart, and would hate to see him leave. Although if he were the destroyer you'd want us to think that.

Chalenor/Chaletwo: If either of them were the destroyer, the other would have to be, too. I doubt that Chaletwo would be because: 1. You made him before TQFTL. 2. Past AND future Mew would be lying. 3. You really like him, so I doubt it. All in all, Chalenor maybe, Chaletwo probably not.

Entei/Suicune: Maybe, they aren't in Pokèballs, but unless Entei/Chaletwo are lying, they're helpless.

That's what I've come up with so far, but I might post another comment. I love TQFTL, don't give up on it yet!

Reply: Don't worry; I have no plans of giving up on it. :P

I'm not sure who you're suggesting is the Destroyer, because it sounds to me like you just said "probably not" to all of these suggestions. Not that it has to be any of them, or that your assumptions are necessarily correct.

[10/04/2012 04:02:55]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

He’s been like that for a while,” Chaletwo said. “My bet is he’s conflicted about the War, even if he tries to pretend he thinks it’s fated.”

Mew is female so that is a error… cant wait for next chapter

Reply: Mew is not female, and Chaletwo has always referred to Mew as 'him'. In this story, Mew is genderless and doesn't care what pronouns you use, so different characters use different pronouns; Entei and Mewtwo use 'she', while Chaletwo has always used 'he' and Mark picked that up from him. This was brought up in chapter 51.

[06/28/2012 21:11:31]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Wait, I'm finding this a little hard to understand. Mark's whole theory relies on Mew creating a copy of Mewtwo for 'insurance' in the war somehow, then using that copy of Mewtwo to create Chaletwo after the last War. But wouldn't the copy of Mewtwo 'bounce back' in time anyway, because it was created in the future/present and therefore should be anchored to the present? Loved the chapter anyhow, I coincidentally just watched Mewtwo Strikes Back and Mewtwo Returns just before reading it so this awesome portrayal of Mewtwo was especially nice after seeing my favourite character from the anime :)

Reply: Well, to quote Mark himself explaining his theory:

“And that doesn’t make sense because living creatures belong to a certain time and should bounce back there when the Destroyer has drained the power that’s keeping them there. But Mewtwo’s body isn’t quite a living creature, is it?”

In other words, while living creatures are anchored to the time where they belong (you'll notice Chaletwo also described it as being only living creatures that are anchored when he was explaining time travel in chapter 39) and would bounce back, Mark's theory basically hinges on the assumption that the "living creature" distinction is about souls, and therefore a soulless copy of Mewtwo's body just wouldn't have an anchor in the first place. Without an anchor tying it to the time where it's "supposed" to be, it could be taken to any place in time and left there without power being required to keep it there, hence no bouncing back.

[06/13/2012 03:08:19]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

holy shit this was a good chapter. I was reading it as they were talking about a deranged mew coming and making a copy of Mewtwo's body, and it kinda made sense. The only thing is the way Mewtwo was described in the prologue was that he was alive, so I don't know what to think anymore.

Reply: Mewtwo was not alive in the prologue; the ILCOE one says the body looks newly dead, and the IALCOTN one just describes it as a body.

[06/12/2012 19:55:08]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Wow, so short. Oh well, it was pretty awsome even though I was looking for something a bit longer. LOVED Mark's theory, but there was one point where mewtwo said mew was a she, but chaletwo said mew was a he. It's kinda confusing, but again, oh well. great job! (random site visitor for fanfic and CoD).

Reply: There wasn't "one point"; Mewtwo uses "she" in reference to Mew throughout the whole conversation, while Chaletwo (and Mark following him) has used "he" throughout the fic. Mew is genderless and doesn't care about pronouns; it is up to the speaker what pronoun they use for it. Entei similarly used "she" for Mew in chapter 51, where this was brought up.

[06/07/2012 01:30:53]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

In this line:

"“So,” Mewtwo said after a pause, slowly, “supposing Chaletwo does come for me, what will happen if I do not go with him?”"

Doesn't Mewtwo mean Chalenor?

Reply: Whoops. Fixed.

[06/04/2012 21:15:14]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 61: Mewtwo

Wait, did I miss something or is Mewtwo referring to Mew as a she, and Chaletwo referring to Mew as a he?

Reply: And May refers to Mew as an it. In the world of this fic, Mew is genderless and has no pronoun preference; any pronoun is acceptable, and which one is used depends on the character speaking. Entei also used 'she' for Mew in chapter 51 (where this was commented on), and in some backstory material I've written from Mew's point of view, the pronoun used in the narration flips between scenes.

Some other legendaries are like that as well, but Chaletwo uses 'he' as a default, and Mark (and thus the narration) pretty much picked that up from him.

[06/04/2012 20:45:49]

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