Comments on Chapter 52: The League Finals

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

A total unrelated ramble, but the league strategising + scythers continuing stagnation on the code + the entei then chaletwo convos - makes me think a lot about like, theorising the distribution of human versus pokemon intelligence!! Like I can believe despite the full apparent ability of pokemon for complex reasoning, maybe what places human adults on top is like… emotional intelligence. Or like I know youve said before, the abstract intelligence of perceiving patterns & broader-picture thinking. Its super interesting to think that in a world with other sapient beings, the disparities are in much more subtle ways, & then carrying on to consider how itd affect these scenarios. (Quite frankly I too easily forget the disparities amongst people. /cough) And I enjoy deeming its why legendaries are socially exactly on par with eleven year olds. :L
Im pretty sure stantler knocks a leg off my ideas here (not like its important to 100% adhere to BUTTERFREES CANON, KING WORK OF FICTION hahaha - just idly throwing things round), but im ready to justify outliers at the speed of light, or maybe her capability for strategic abstract thought is far outclassed by humans as a counterbalance. Something like that. (Also you can draw a line between this & letals own strategic intelligence vs… her emotional lol)

Also fury stands out so far in this regard I do declare he voluntarily took on human education haha. Everyone has the ability to grow beyond themselves!!

[05/11/2019 19:06:24]

Latias spirit
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

I was about to fall asleep on the computer but now I'm awake for some reason… anyway awesome story.

[01/11/2016 07:21:42]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

Ein setning sem ég skildi ekki, hún var framarlega í kaflanum: win…luck / operer-outprediction.

Spurning: Af hverju er May með 6 en Taylor 4 pokemona?

Önnur: Mark dó og Chaletwo náði sál hans áður en hún yfirgaf heiminn. En hann er í sínum líkama, hvernig stendur á því, dó ekki líkami Marks?

Umsögn: Áhugaverður kafli. May minnir á Hitler þegar hún les yfir pokemonum sínum. Mér finnst líka gaman að sjá andlegan og heimspekilegan áhuga hjá þér, því þú ert að öðru leyti svo jarðbundin og raunvísindalega hugsandi.

Reply: "Opener-outprediction" vísar í að spá fyrir um hvaða pokémon andstæðingurinn mun senda út fyrst og velja þar með pokémon sem er sterkur á móti honum til að senda út fyrst. Þetta er að mjög miklu leyti heppni, og May er óánægð með það að hún hafi unnið vegna heppni eða í mesta lagi forspárgetu.

Það kom fram í 46. kafla af hverju May er með sex pokémona og Taylor bara með fjóra. Hann er að nota "ofurklón" sem eru sterkari en aðrir pokémonar og er því í raun að svindla í keppninni. Aðstandendur keppninnar voru dáleiddir til að leyfa honum að vera með þrátt fyrir það, en til að réttlæta það var sett regla til að Taylor gæti aðeins notað fjóra pokémona í hverjum bardaga en ekki sex.

Chaletwo bjó til afrit af líkama Marks og endurlífgaði hann síðan í þeim líkama. Þetta kemur fram í 26. kafla.

Þetta er saga og þó að sálir séu til í sögunni hefur það ekkert að segja um raunveruleikann eða mínar hugmyndir um raunveruleikann, ekki frekar en það að pokémonar séu til í sögunni. Það að vera raunvísindalega þenkjandi gerir mann ekki óhæfan til að velta fyrir sér heimspekilegum eða andlegum hugmyndum, finnast þær áhugaverðar eða skrifa þær inn í uppskáldaða heima, og það að þér finnist mótsögn þar á milli finnst mér frekar þröngsýnt.

[07/24/2011 14:36:03]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

So I just found this gem while reading back through some Ask the Characters questions for no apparent reason:

To May: More of a game world mechanics question, but when you fight Mewtwo^2, are Tyranitar and Mutark totally immune to his telekinesis?

May: Well, they're Dark-types. Psychic powers don't affect them, period.

…this was deliberate of you, wasn't it? =P

Reply: Very. :P

[08/26/2010 19:53:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

O.O cheerful little Mew….. THE DESTROYER?!?!
Lol that would be an awsome twist though. >D<

[08/12/2010 14:55:47]

ShinyRedEon =D
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals


[04/13/2010 03:48:17]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

Psychic working against a Dark-Type?


[03/28/2010 09:16:56]

Raitora Kuro Yamiraku
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

Oh, my God.

Taylor doesn't deserve a point of view. Please don't write him into the next chapter. ;-;

[03/20/2010 20:06:50]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

SWEET!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee hurry on the next chapter!! PRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETYYYYY

Reply: Happily, chapter 53 is going along swimmingly, so I expect it to be up fairly soon.

[03/20/2010 18:21:55]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

Tyranitar SPEAKS<333

There is a whole lot of depth and scattered cliffhangers around, and the battles were clever, amazing, and simply unpredictable.
I do have a few questions. Entei refered to Mew as female in the previous chapter, and Chaletwo called Mew male in this chapter. Since Mew /technically/ is neither, does it matter which gender they call Mew?
And do you actually say Mewtwo^2 "Mewtwo two" or "Mewtwo squared?"

Reply: The Mew thing was actually briefly addressed in chapter 51. All legendaries are physically genderless, but some have a grammatical preference for one pronoun (such as Chaletwo preferring 'he'). Meanwhile, others, such as Mew, have no preference, and therefore the pronoun used will depend on the speaker. Chaletwo has a marked tendency to use 'he' for pretty much everyone not with an explicit preference for 'she', so he's been using that for Mew and Mark has sort of followed suit in that. Entei, meanwhile, uses 'she' for Mew, and that's equally correct. It only matters in the sense that you could start to analyze the characters and why they would think of Mew as one gender or the other if you wanted, but yeah, both are equally correct.

I just answered the Mewtwo^2 question in the Ask the Author thread at the forums, so look there.

[03/16/2010 18:48:37]

Sands Buisle
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

Taylor's a cheat, end of story, he completely ignored the rules of the type chart.

Reply: :P It's not so much ignoring them completely as simply that Mewtwo^2 is a gamebreaker. The rest of his Pokémon followed it just fine, though they could nonetheless withstand ridiculous amounts of super-effective attacks.

[03/16/2010 12:18:52]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

Oh, so he wasn't like Longshot. Okay.
Good chapter, by the way.

[03/16/2010 07:32:50]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

Wow, Taylor is a brat. He's worse than Bryce (a boy from my school).

I would be kind of secretly glad if Mewtwo^2 started resisting the Clone Ball again and murdered him.

Also, holy carp, Tyranitar talks! :O Maybe he's just stupid. I mean… um… linguistically challenged.

[03/16/2010 02:20:37]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

Taylor is a stupid pathetic jerk. D: Poor Tyranitar! I think it should eat Taylor later in the fic >:{

[03/16/2010 01:20:13]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 52: The League Finals

YAY! Tyranitar talked! Although… now I'm sad May lost because I like her Tyranitar and hate Taylor. :(

[03/16/2010 00:46:12]

Pages: 1