Comments on The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

Wow, I can't believe I missed those move uses while commenting on that. Thanks for clarifying!

[06/22/2024 02:46:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

Also, these league battles with more experienced trainers like Michael is said to be here, as well as perhaps May's battles, could benefit from you trying some competitive Pokemon battling to get a sense of other types of strategies. There are definitely some good battles throughout the fic, but these move spam battles read more like you've mostly or only played the games, where spamming your strongest STAB move is really the only thing you need to do.

At least I've never seen you mention playing competitive.

[06/06/2024 15:11:05]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

I also don't mind Mark's internal rambling about moves, but it does make it really apparent that he could get way more coverage moves than he ever does. If he had financial limitations, that would resolve that neatly, but he's never shown to. He just buys whatever he wants and then still never thinks about putting stuff like Ice Beam on his team, or giving more of his Pokemon Earthquake, or doing anything to cover Jolteon's weaknesses. Jolteon goes on with just Return as his only TM move for… maybe the entire fic? But even back in gen 3 he could've learned like, Iron Tail, Dig, Shadow Ball… plus a good number of supportive moves like Double Team. It's less glaring early on when you expect the Pokemon to not do all of that, and he's still refusing for like 40 chapters to look up their moves for some reason, but by the time we're multiple legendary battles into the fic and he's in the league buying up TMs, it's definitely odd.

Reply: He teaches Jolteon Shadow Ball, actually! He also teaches both Charizard and Letaligon Earthquake (they both use it in this chapter), plus Dragonite with Fire Punch and Thunderpunch, etc. Picking up a bunch of coverage moves here is like the one proactive thing he does do with his Pokémon's movesets. I prodded at the strategizing scene because it goes on for a long while contemplating a bunch of things back and forth and only some of it ends up relevant, not because he literally doesn't do any of it.

[06/06/2024 12:17:55]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

I fully admit that the League arc chapters are the ones I come back to the most, and for a silly reason. I love the strategizing that goes on in them. Mark mulling over weakness-countering moves for his team in this chapter is so relatable, I absolutely have a notebook somewhere with a team weakness list just like that written down for all my teams. Love this arc, love this chapter, love that little stream of conscious strategizing section.

[11/28/2020 07:30:38]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther


Epic fail, huh?

[06/17/2013 03:37:38]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

Mark was all dizzy as his opponent was terrified of Scyther.

"Both" Scyther raored and leapt up without warning…

I know you're a perfectionist, so I won't keep these things to myself.

Reply: There are two Scyther because he used Double Team earlier. One of them is the real Scyther, the other is an illusory copy that mirrors everything the real Scyther does.

[06/17/2013 03:32:08]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

Good chapter

[06/28/2012 01:28:50]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

Ég þarf verulegrar upprifjunar við. Hver er aftur Michael og Nightmare? Öll þessi saga sem er sögð í stuttu máli í lok kaflans. Ég þarf aðeins nákvæmari upprifjun.

Svo koma spurningar: Eru bara 4 move á hvern pokemon? Hvað á dragondance að gera?

Svo máttu útskýra: …theyve regressed to around the levels of most of the trainers

og annað:
…compounded weaknesses…each rock type brought out…take down exactly…weak to it…Mark might have other pokemon…also weak to Rock.

Reply: Nightmare er sú sem Scyther var ástfanginn af þegar hann fór frá sverminum sínum. Þjálfari (Michael) náði henni og Scyther réðst á hann.

Í 23. kafla var "Pokémon Frenzy Tournament" þar sem Scyther barðist við Scizor sem hann komst síðan að að var hún. Í 29. kafla rakst Scyther á Michael þegar hann var einn, réðst á hann aftur og reyndi að drepa hann, en Mark stöðvaði hann og hringdi á sjúkraliða sem björguðu Michael.

Í meistarakeppninni eru bara leyfð fjögur move fyrir hvern pokémon. Mikið af pælingum Marks um bardagana hingað til hefur snúist um þetta. Dragon Dance eykur snerpu og styrk viðkomandi pokémons.

Í heimi sögunnar er gert ráð fyrir að ef pokémon berst aðeins við veikari pokémona í langan tíma verður hann á endanum veikari til að spara orku, þannig að "levelið" lækkar. Þetta skiptir engu máli þannig séð, er bara útskýring á af hverju Michael, sem hefur verið þjálfari í nokkur ár, er enn að berjast í meistarakeppninni fyrir nýliða.

Nú er Mark kominn upp úr forkeppninni og í aðalkeppnina, þar sem reglurnar eru aðeins öðruvísi. Í fyrsta lagi nota þjálfararnir núna sex pokémona í hverjum bardaga en ekki þrjá, og í öðru lagi má ekki skipta pokémonum út hvenær sem er, heldur teljast þeir sigraðir ef þeir eru kallaðir til baka. Mark er þarna að átta sig á að þetta þýðir að þó að margir af hans pokémonum séu veikir fyrir Rock-árásum hefur það ekki alltof mikla þýðingu, þar sem flestir eiga bara einn eða í mesta lagi tvo pokémona af hverju 'type'i. Þá sendir andstæðingurinn til dæmis út einhvern Rock-pokémon á móti Charizard og rotar hann, en þá getur Mark sent út Sandslash eða Letaligon, sem munu líklega sigra Rock-pokémoninn, og andstæðingurinn getur ekki bara skipt honum út aftur til að geyma hann. Þess vegna skiptir minna máli núna hversu margir pokémonar eru veikir fyrir hverju og meira að hver pokémon hafi einhverja kosti til að mæta veikleikum sínum (sem þeir munu þurfa að gera af því að þeir geta ekki skipt út lengur).

[06/17/2011 19:10:28]

Raitora Kuro Yamiraku
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

Wow. That battle was so freaky. I feel so sorry for Michael, too. *huggles Michael* XD

[10/02/2009 04:44:37]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

This isn't technically relevant to the chapter, but I can't think of anywhere else to put it. Why did Chaletwo decide to travel with Mark, and not just the first kid he killed? Besides the obvious reason that it's because Mark is the main character, I mean.

Reply: Because Mark is the last one ever. The plan was never go to with anybody; they figured the kids would eventually catch all the legendaries. By the time Mark came along, however, as Chaletwo says in chapter 25, they were getting desperate, and figured perhaps it would help ever so slightly if Chaletwo actually came along to hold their hands throughout. (Molzapart, meanwhile, needed to be caught in a ball so that he wouldn't just go crazy when the Destroyer releases all that pent-up legendary energy.)

[09/29/2009 21:07:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

I just finished chptr 49. when's the next one? I have nothing else to do at school.

Reply: Whenever I've finished writing it, which on average these days tends to take something between one month and three.

[09/23/2009 15:15:22]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

I can't believe that Scyther pretty much destroyed that guys life.

[09/21/2009 15:33:48]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

… Wow… That was SO COOL!!!

Really exiting. Dang, you sure know how to whip a good story up!

[09/19/2009 09:27:23]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

i loved this chapter. I liked who he had to battle and im glad Mark won.
Will he go against May after?
When are they going to the next regions?

[09/16/2009 20:56:14]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

Letaligon didn't change its personality… perfect! I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens to Letaligon after the League ends… also I miss my favorite character (Mark's Gyarados)

[09/13/2009 13:32:46]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

Best chapter since the battle with the last Gym Leader! Great Job!

[09/11/2009 00:01:09]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

…What now? And what's going to happen to Mark after this? It's like déjà vu every battle. First Aaron and then Michael. How many trainers will he battle that he knows already?

Reply: What do you mean, what now? The story continues, Mark moves on to the next round and battles somebody, whom he may or may not know.

[09/10/2009 21:05:59]

Pure Umbreon
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 49: The Rage of a Scyther

So here is my first comment about a chapter IN THE CORRECT PLACE!

I was really impressed with the chapter. You said the battle in this chapter wasn't as good as the others. While the statement is true, the battle didn't have to be. The battle was not the main focus nor the climax point of the story.

I was very entertained with all the intriguing psychological processes of the chapter, including the true climax of the story, the scyther/michael standoff.

I was also impressed with how you completely anti-Stu'd Mark (he battled horribly) … while letting him continue in the tournament. I doubt I could manage something like that in a story I could write.

One slight nitpick I had with the chapter was the paragraph that started "Both of their battles were on the fifteenth". I felt the paragraph could have been worded better to give a better sense of time flow… as it is now, it states the battles were on the fifteenth, then the next sentence screams, "Oh yah, the fifteenth happens to be today, btw."

Overall, that paragraph beginning is a minor greivance to an overwhelmingly great chapter. I put it in my top 5 TQftL chapters so far.

[09/10/2009 05:01:16]

Pages: 1