Comments on Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

So here we're onto the chapters that were posted the second time I fell out of reading the fic. Yes, somehow, I fell out of reading it right before the Volcaryu battle, which is absurd. I think it's because I was in college or something? I dunno. But either way, I didn't read these chapters until at least during the league arc.

It's kind of amazing looking back at this being literally the only speculation fuel we had all the way until chapter 61! I'm pretty sure I remember never buying the Articuno-as-Destroyer theory lol. But the greatest red herring the fic ever threw us was time-traveling Chalenor. It's amazing that even when multiple people began to suspect that he was not the Preserver, not one of us managed to extrapolate that he could not time travel. In future revisions, I'd definitely recommend capitalizing on that.

I definitely feel you with the struggle for how on earth to preserve mysteries in serially published fiction. I'm pretty happy with the solution I came up with, but it was definitely difficult.

[02/17/2019 23:18:41]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

I think the Destroyer is Chaletwo. :3
It would make sense. Chaletwo's going to have an anchor until the very last second, and so Mark could look for the Destroyer forever without realizing who it is.
Also, if the Destroyer didn't know who he was, it would be the ultimate defense against those who try to find and capture/kill him before the War of the Legends happens…

[12/23/2014 17:41:26]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

I bet the Destroyer is Lugia. It makes perfect sense. Mew went around creating the trios, starting with Kanto's birds. Who is the leader of the birds? Lugia. That whole "Mark's favorite Pokemon" thing is definitely foreshadowing. Or I'm totally wrong. Who knows?

Reply: Problem with your theory: Lugia, as far as everyone currently understands, has already been captured and therefore should not be able to drain power from anybody anymore.

[04/04/2011 15:52:53]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

Flottur kafli og mjög heimspekilegur. Plottið er ekki einfalt, og Chaletwo er ekki alvitur. Það gerir þetta enn meira spennandi.

Hver er Celebi?

Reply: Celebi er raunverulegur legendary pokémon með þá helstu sérstöðu að ferðast um í tíma. Hann skiptir ekki beinlínis máli, heldur var bara minnst á hann af því að talað var um að tímaferðalög væru líka sérstaða "the Preserver"; ég vildi útskýra að Celebi hefði ekkert með það að gera.

[12/17/2010 00:26:37]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

Maybe the destroyer has somthing to do with the effect……. maybe it lives under Sailance City and also drains the power of normal pokemon close by. The suspence.

[04/12/2010 10:41:03]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

i just realized rainteicune couldnt be the destroyer
could it be like a twist at the end and it turns out that a very powerful gengar is behind it all and this Gengar is what keeps pokemon away from sailance?

[09/11/2009 15:51:42]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

who is the destroyer?
is it rainteicune?

Reply: I can't exactly go telling you that, can I? :P

[09/11/2009 15:48:06]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

Is Arceus the destroyer? it would make sense if you think about it.

[03/04/2009 19:45:33]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

what if Arceus were the destroyer? that would work because he is supposed to be the "alpha" pokemon and he seems like the type of pokemon that could fit that role

[02/01/2009 19:08:29]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

I think the Destroyer might have something to do with The Effect… I know the Destroyer only absorbs the legendary's power, and that it is most likely Articuno, but there could always be some sort of plot twist. Perhaps the Destroyer also drains the power of normal Pokemon, but only those that are close by. That makes somewhat sense in my eyes.. Then again, the Destroyer might be in a chamber under Sailance O_o
I don't quite remember if you explained why The Effect is there, or how it came into existence, but I'm trying to figure it out. O_o
Then again, this is just one of my crazy theories…

[01/29/2009 01:21:05]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

You changed the route numbers… 'cause the 200 routes were already for sinnoh… :P

[09/14/2008 21:11:46]

Pages: 1