Comments on Chapter 34: Return to Cleanwater
Pages: 1
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 34: Return to Cleanwater
"Speak of the devil" is technically inherently negative, but people use it in a friendly way with some regularity due to lack of a better phrase.
“I need a Water and Ice Pokémon in my team,” May muttered. “There are Fire and Dragon Pokémon all over the League and…” This stuff with May spitting out random justifications instead of accepting that she's upset and hurt is really realistic and makes for good character growth and I like it. And it's really interesting that Alan tries to argue to what she's literally saying but it doesn't work because it's not what she means.
Wasn't either that Manectric or Elektrike intended at one point to become Raikou's chosen and get captured by Alan? I can't remember where you said that.Reply: You probably already got to it, but what you're thinking of comes up in the chapter 51 commentary, where Entei explains the Chosen:
Background thing that I came up with at some point but never actually made canon: the Electrike whose mother they accidentally killed in chapter 34 may have been one of Raikou's potentials. The main reason I came up with this is that I thought it was thematically neat, and deliciously cruel, if Alan almost ended up with one of Raikou's potentials too, but whoops things aren't that neat, Electrike doesn't actually want human help and probably dies, and Alan gets no special Pokémon after all. It is kind of an unbelievable coincidence that Alan would almost get it too, though. I doubt I would ever actually make this canon, but if you enjoy the idea, please imagine this was the case.
[06/04/2024 00:21:02]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 34: Return to Cleanwater
this chapter is one of the better ones
[06/27/2012 00:27:06]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 34: Return to Cleanwater
Mjög myndrænt inni í hellinum, í skóginum og við vatnið. Líka hvernig veðrið breyttist í Stormbænum. En voru ekki tveir aðrir pokemonar sofandi í þessu sama fjalli? Þurfti ekki að ráða niðurlögum þeirra líka áður en þrumuveðrinu slotaði? Og var ekki Suicune stórhættulegur í fyrsta kaflanum, stórhættulegt að vera við vatnið þegar hann birtist? Nú er Chaletwo að segja að hann drepi engan o.s.frv.Reply: Nei, hinir tveir eru í tveimur öðrum fjöllum og orsaka ekki þrumuveður.
Það var Gyarados sem drap fólkið sem var við vatnið á kvöldin, ekki Suicune; fólk bara hélt að það væri Suicune af því að það vissi ekki af Gyaradosi. Þetta kom fram þegar Gyarados birtist fyrst.
[09/09/2010 00:10:42]
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 34: Return to Cleanwater
[08/25/2008 18:20:03]
Pages: 1