Comments on Chapter 16: The Third Badge

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge

The buying antidotes would still make sense if it was just security for the future now that her and Charmeleon have been traumatically poisoned once. Though I guess the idea is that Scorplack venom wouldn't be helped by an antidote at all.

[06/01/2024 13:46:21]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge

The buying antidotes would still make sense if it was just security for the future now that her and Charmeleon have been traumatically poisoned once. Though I guess the idea is that Scorplack venom wouldn't be helped by an antidote at all.

Reply: In chapter 14 May specifically said it was for the Mitch fight, though, which then turned out to be nonsense because you can't use items in the gym battle anyway - that's what I was commenting on.

[06/01/2024 13:33:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge

For some reason, I picture Mega Sting working like an inverted Trump Card; it would start out powerful then weaken with usage.

[05/03/2010 01:14:30]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge

Again, great work. Nice twist regarding the Scorplack / Mitch thing

I've read the section on your coincidences (razor claw etc…) and wondered… is it just me that scorplack not only has the same first syllable, but looks similar too? and also the same typing for each evolution (like the Dex ambiguity)? Or…was Scorplack thought up after the DP dex?

Reply: Scorplack is the very first non-hybrid fake Pokémon I ever created, so no, it isn't thought up after the D/P dex; in fact, I'm pretty sure it was before R/S came out. But really, it isn't that much of a fantastic coincidence that scorpion Pokémon have a name beginning with some variation on "Scor", and the only real similarities between Skorupi/Drapion and Scorplack are simply what both of them take from real scorpions, so I wouldn't exactly call it a remarkable similarity. And Bug/Poison and Dark/Poison are pretty much the most obvious types for scorpion Pokémon to be (Bug because they're arachnids, Poison because they're venomous, and Dark because they're nocturnal and have a sinister reputation).

[04/19/2010 19:25:18]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge

Why is there suddenly a pool of water in the Gym?

[04/09/2010 00:52:41]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge

Heitir þetta ekki véfrétt, þegar einhver fær á tilfinninguna að eitthvað slæmt muni henda…

[07/26/2009 14:14:42]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 16: The Third Badge

The suspense! Its killing me!

[12/31/2008 17:43:14]

Pages: 1