- Posts: 1784

I finally settled with a design I thought looked decent. :D I'd messed around with a few different ideas but none really came out well. And then I just went all dithering-crazy on the wings and it actually worked out fairly, I think. I also shrunk the near wing a bit, shortened the right arm (our left), added a mouth and moved the base of the wing, which many had pointed out was placed too low.
The previous version of the scratch, if you want to compare, looked like this:

So, since I've probably finalized at least the designs for now, I'm going to go on a bit of a trip down the memory lane about the designs of the Dragons of Ouen.

It all started on November 18th 2003, when I made these earliest versions of Thunderyu and Volcaryu. I did make Polaryu as well, but I overwrote the file later with the one that comes after it; it's not much of a loss, since I believe all I changed was a few pixels of outlining and the fact that originally the insides of his wings retained the color that was on the R/S Charizard's wings. As you can see, Thunderyu looked downright amazingly awful, but it did have the basic idea of being yellow, slender and with huge wings. Fair enough. It was made from the R/S Aerodactyl, slightly modified, as a base with the Yellow Charizard's wings and R/S Charizard's head and arms, also slightly modified. Volcaryu's sprite was far too big with the tacked-on tail and he was almost unrecognizably lean, with wings not that small. And his armor plates were eye-hurtingly red like the rest of him. And his belly even more so. It was made from the R/S Aerodactyl (head, wings and tail), R/S Kangaskhan (legs), R/S Charizard (body) and R/S Feraligatr (arms). Polaryu was made from the R/S Charizard with the tail end scratched and an edited Gold Dragonite's head.

I made these in October 2004. Yes, I was scratching Thunderyu's wings that early, surprisingly enough, and what's more is that I did it well enough that I never felt the need to edit the shape of the wings when reconsidering the sprite later. Thunderyu and Volcaryu were entirely remade, but as I said, Polaryu stayed pretty much the same aside from the color of the inside of the wings. Thunderyu is still made from the R/S Aerodactyl's body and tail with the R/S Charizard's arms and head plus scratched wings, while Volcaryu now uses Kangaskhan's body as a base, has new demonic horns and a scratched tail.

Two months later, in December 2004, I reconsidered the color of the insides of Thunderyu's wings, making it darker than the main color instead of lighter. An improvement, if you ask me. The other dragons were not changed.

These familiar versions were actually not made at the same time, now that I look at them. I decided that Volcaryu looked awful and needed a remake (mostly because of the horrible colors) in June 2005, creating this drastically improved version; it was not until December that I followed it up with a considerably less bland-looking Thunderyu (all scratch edits except for the FR/LG Charizard arm that replaced one of the R/S ones) and a Polaryu with, uh, darker insides of his wings, slight shading tweaks, the FR/LG Charizard's arm and slightly edited head frill thingies. Yeah, I've been mean to Polaryu over the years. Though to be fair it was mostly because initially it was my favorite of the dragon sprites by far so I didn't think it needed as much work. The shinies were made in January for the fake Pokémon section I was making on the site.

Aaand it's the new 100% scratched ones, with shinies. I won't bore you by repeating all I've said about the sprites themselves, but the shinies have had their colors completely reconsidered; basically I decided to go with colors somewhat associated with their element if not as much so as their real color, making Thunderyu blue, Volcaryu orange and Polaryu off-white.
So yeah. Ramble over.
[09/12/2008 20:19:40]