- Posts: 1784
I randomly (or well, in response to a topic about advertisement banners at the Serebii.net forums) made a new banner to represent the story. It features Chalenor, Photoshopped bolts of lightning, the name of the story, and the first rule of the Moral Code.

I quite like it, personally. The old banner, while it looked nice, always bugged me because of its lack of relevance to the story. Blue water pattern in the background because it looked neat. Scyther and Spirit because they were the only characters I had some decent pictures of. "Death is not to be feared" because it was cool. The new one, on the other hand, has Chalenor because he's extremely significant, lightning as a symbol of the stormy and dangerous journey towards the seemingly impossible (plus it can be interpreted as imagery from Stormy Town or the Thunderyu battle, and as a bonus they also happen to look cool), and "Death is not to be feared" because this time around I've actually realized that it is far more relevant than I used to think.
Now, I originally intended to have Chaletwo on it as well, there on the right. In fact I made a version of the banner like that:

However, I (and the few people I asked) felt that Chaletwo looked out of place, since he was much lighter than Chalenor and with all-too-prominent cartoony outlines. Then I wanted to put Mew there, or maybe just Mew's eye, but when I tried to draw it it didn't work out the way I wanted it to. Which is a shame, because then the banner would have been even more relevant and symbolic, but oh well.
Why, yes, I am enjoying the opportunity to torture you with all this hint-hintiness. Glad you asked.
Oh, and I've written some more of chapter 37. I might be able to finish it very soon, actually. How soon? We'll see…

I quite like it, personally. The old banner, while it looked nice, always bugged me because of its lack of relevance to the story. Blue water pattern in the background because it looked neat. Scyther and Spirit because they were the only characters I had some decent pictures of. "Death is not to be feared" because it was cool. The new one, on the other hand, has Chalenor because he's extremely significant, lightning as a symbol of the stormy and dangerous journey towards the seemingly impossible (plus it can be interpreted as imagery from Stormy Town or the Thunderyu battle, and as a bonus they also happen to look cool), and "Death is not to be feared" because this time around I've actually realized that it is far more relevant than I used to think.
Now, I originally intended to have Chaletwo on it as well, there on the right. In fact I made a version of the banner like that:

However, I (and the few people I asked) felt that Chaletwo looked out of place, since he was much lighter than Chalenor and with all-too-prominent cartoony outlines. Then I wanted to put Mew there, or maybe just Mew's eye, but when I tried to draw it it didn't work out the way I wanted it to. Which is a shame, because then the banner would have been even more relevant and symbolic, but oh well.
Why, yes, I am enjoying the opportunity to torture you with all this hint-hintiness. Glad you asked.
Oh, and I've written some more of chapter 37. I might be able to finish it very soon, actually. How soon? We'll see…
[10/04/2007 23:00:00]