pokemon mystery dungoen, TeamEat!
Chapter four- Ace the destroyer.
i looked as all of the Roselias ran away crying. They suddenly seemd so pathetic. It was just a shame for the grass type race…-What, what am I talking about? Im not a pokemon!- Was what I thought. I looked at my bleeding saviour. "Thank you so much! You saved my life! You-"
The cranidos simply grunted and pushed a glowing black hand 10 centemeters before my face. "Im only defending my territory. Now go back home and forget what happened. You never met any Cranidos around here and you were never attacked by some @&*$#! Roselias, right? Good"
He slowly walked away, obviously he couldnt move after the battle. I looked at the two corpses, the one a rosleia, the other a roserade, and decided to loot them. Inside I found things every pokeomn could need- healing herbs, berries, and scarfs. I grabbed a red scarfs, with the word 'pecha' scribbled no ti. I wondered what it meant, and put it around my neck. I took a blue scarf which i found hidden in the roserade's blue rose, and took it. I found a bag lying on the ground- exactly what I needed. I grabbed it, and put the scarf in it, the healing herbs, and some Oran, Sitrus, Lum and Pecha berries which I found in her cape. I grabbed the bag, it was green, and had a venusaur face paniting on its side. I ran towards the Cranidos, and shouted "Wait up!".
he looked back to me, and made a questioning look. "Didnt i say you to get lost?"
he asked, before collasing on the ground of exhausion. He ran to him, and searched in the bag. I found a few Oran berries, I had aroud 20 in the bag, and pushed 2 inot his mouth. I grabbed his head with my forelegs, and pushed the Oran berry into his mouth with my backleg. I was sitting, so it wasnt that hard. His face's side was on te grass, so I wouldnt have to worry it would get stuck in his neck. I started moving his head so he would chomp on the Oran berry, and succeded. Blue juice covered me, but the Crnidos opened his eyes. "why did you do that…?"
He said weakly, hardly managing to open his mouth. "An aancient yet true word I have heared once: One hand washes the other. And thats true, by the way." The Cranidos smiled as much as he could, and started blacking out again. "Dont dare you! It was hard enough to make you eat these berries you know!"
I ran to th corpses again, and found a small bottle full of water. I ran back to cranidos, the bottle held tightly between my leave,s and made him drink hlaf of what was in it. The rest I used to wash his face and make him wake up. He stood up quickly, and jumped on his legs. "What did you mean by what you said?" He saked in a demanding tone. i shoo kmy head and grabbed a Sitrus berry, and pushed it into his open mouth. He gnawed, and swallowed it. "i mean that you saved my life at the risk of your own, so I saved yours. Without any risks, that is." I chuckled at the bad pun. He simply smiled. "Fair enough, I think I can trust you. ithink that your right- we might stay together. What do you think?"
He smiled, and it seemde that the rare event of him being happy and not serious happeed. "Well, whats your name then?" I asked him, rather brutally "Im caleld Ace, sometimes 'the destroyer'. The only reason for htat name is that I destroy my enemies- Females."
It was then when realization came to me- that was why he defended me, and why he swore so dirty. I spat on the ground in distaste when i thought about the swears. "Im called Lars, Im not fromm around. Err, I remember…-It msut be soemthing good! Ah, I have an idea-…that one day a steelix slammed its tail no my head without any reason. I think that made me forget a lot.."
Ace looked at me, in a worried manner. "Fair enough, I'll take you to hedgetown- its quite a nice place. I'll take you to miltanks bar, we are quite good friends. Of course, it will be on my account."
After that, I smiled and silently followed him.
Well? This chapter got lnoger than planned.

Torterra will save us!
…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….