That's chapter 77 illustrated as well - i.e. all of them!
And with that, happy twentieth anniversary to
The Quest for the Legends! On this day, twenty years ago, I started writing the original version of this story; today, age thirty-two, I've finished illustrating every chapter of the story, as well as putting up
a new revision (the illustrations are now also viewable on each chapter's page).
Specifically, the new version, the "ILCOE patch" version, is the slightly edited version of the ILCOE I have been posting on the
Thousand Roads forums over the past year. For the most part, these really are
slight edits: grammatical errors or otherwise obviously non-native phrasing, editing some bits that
really bothered me and could be trivially fixed in like ten minutes, and fixing some clunky sentences in chapters where everything isn't clunky sentences anyway.
But I also did the revisions I'd been talking about wanting to do to
chapter 76, if you still remember that. I did them in kind of a rush, because this was all on a deadline to get the last chapter posted today, and I may make further edits to it later, but at least, I'm a fair bit happier with this than the original version.
Finally, I drew some cover art for the fic for the occasion. There are a lot of things you could put on a cover for the story, and Mew and Chalenor may not exactly be the most representative, but they are behind it all, and as a bonus make for a more minimalistic, nicely-composed cover than some of the cluttered messes you could make out of this.

Happy anniversary, dear fanfic! I expect this site to be going
largely dormant for now, until whenever I get around to the proper rewrite; maybe I'll do anniversary posts, I may continue to do anniversary art for the fic, and if I make those further edits to 76 I'll let you know, but other than that I don't expect there'll be much to post here.
Thank you all for being with me on this journey!