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Post #21
(Butterfree:) Thought so too =3 But I was kinda "anxious" anyway because I'm that as a person, and fluffy romance would almost destroy the fic.



Post #22
You seriously don't need to worry here, m'kay? Even if I didn't generally despise anything more romantic than Scyther/Nightmare (which is, uh, not particularly so), Mark and May are still both twelve years old and way too young to be falling in teh twu wub with anyone at all (I'm looking at you, Phillip Pullman). Alan is kinda borderline, but there isn't exactly anyone left then for him to get fluffy with even assuming he has a slight crush on May, which he might. Unless he were into Poképhilia, and I'll tell you right now that no, he's not.

Even if May weren't twelve years old, had a crush on Alan to some degree and they admitted that to one another and got together in some kind of a relationship, it would definitely be far from fluffy, considering how May has a very bad temper, expresses anger with violence (see elbowing Alan, kicking Lapras, etc), would much rather spend her time battling than watching romantic sunsets, and is generally extremely non-fluffy - she's the type who yells "GET A ROOM!" when people start french kissing in public. Alan would have to consider himself lucky if she occasionally kissed him on the cheek when she was happy after winning a battle. If they got together, this would last about two chapters before they would realize it's not working at all. May is not ready for any kind of intimate relationship. May and Alan can function as friends because she can keep a reasonable distance from him. As a couple, no. He gets on her nerves far too easily, and as I pointed out earlier, she responds to this with physical violence. Not a good recipe for romance, and definitely not fluffy romance.

And even if they were deeply in love enough to make May go suddenly OOC, they have far better things to worry about (such as, oh, saving the world), and if they started wasting their time kissing or getting fluffy, Chaletwo would basically tell them to piss off to some hotel if they're just going to be delaying Mark's important mission. They would never get OOC enough to just say "OMG FINE WE WILL GO AND KISS AND BE FLUFFY IN CLEANWATER CITY WHILE YOU TRY TO SAVE THE WORLD ALONE SOMEHOW :DDD". They'd apologize, stop it, and continue while keeping the romance to any potential times where Mark is not watching (and thus the reader would not hear of it).

So uh. Not gonna happen. Sorry, cakeshippers. As for Mark/May… they are both twelve-year-olds with radically different personalities, no interest in one another and absolutely no chemistry between them. Uh. No. Scyther/Nightmare is plenty enough romance for this fic in my opinion, anyway. :P



Post #23
@.@ Sorry for causing you that trouble. You didn't need to write a novel about it, but now I'm completely sure that it will be safe to continue reading this fic.
And the Philip Pullman reference - Lyra and Will, I assume? <.< (I haven't read any other books by him)

zapdos shadow


Post #24
Wow maybe there should be a special comment thread thing for people who want to discuss the characters because it certainly seems like a lot of people do including me but this comment thread thing was made for discussing the battle.



Post #25
Did anyone else notice how incredibly off topic that got? Anyway, I think smaller battles would be nice. All of these scenes with twenty pokemon flying aroun hitting each other hurt my head.

Joe, The Talking mr. Mime(i am back bwa haha)


Post #26
Uh, I guess you could have Mark, May, and Alan fight Carl with just two Pokemon each, and Carl with six Pokemon. That way it won't get so confusing with 16 or so Pokemon every where.



Post #27
What about Alex and Mark >:->

What is it's
Carl Vrs. Alex
Then, Carl Vrs. Mark and May?



Post #28
GentleArtillery: Oh, I know I didn't have to write a novel about it. But it was so much fun. :P

And yes, Will and Lyra. "OMG WE ARE TWELVE YEARS OLD AND WE ALL OF A SUDDEN LOVE EACH OTHER MORE THAN ANYBODY HAS EVER LOVED EVEN THOUGH WE HAVEN'T EVEN ENTERED PUBERTY, JUST BECAUSE THE AUTHOR THINKS IT WON'T BE TWAGIC ENOUGH TO HAVE US SEPARATED AT THE END IF WE'RE 'JUST' FRIENDS! LET'S MAKE OUT! :D" Seriously, what the hell? I can see twelve-year-olds perhaps liking one another and maybe holding hands and kissing on the cheek (although even that would be pushing it in my mind), but to have them suddenly talk like they're the ultimate authorities on love is just plain ridiculous. That little bit of realism-out-the-window completely wrecked His Dark Materials for me. <.<

zapdos shadow and Hacker42: Heh, I don't really care that much if this gets off-topic. :P As long as there isn't a better place to discuss it in, anyway.

T-man: He's called "Alan". Not Alex. Alex is Mark's childhood friend. Do not confuse. For a moment I thought you were talking about him, actually, and was thinking, "Wait, why the hell would he be… oh, he means Alan."

As for an Alan and Mark relationship, Mark is twelve years old too, you know. Them being gay… uh, think what you like. :P

Joe and T-man: Now I think I've come to the conclusion I'm going to make May battle Carl alone and then Mark and Alan together, because that makes a lot of sense and would make for less confusing battles. However, it is vital to the plot of the chapter - or rather, the reason they're battling Carl at all - that all those ten of Mark, May and Alan's Pokémon will fight Carl at some point (so two, two and two on six would not work), and while May is very likely to prefer battling on her own over having to cooperate unless she absolutely has to, Alan has no motive to ask to fight Carl alone, so it wouldn't really make sense.

At least, thanks to everybody for giving their opinions. I think I've figured it out now. :)



Post #29
Uh, I know the poll is kind of over, but…
What about May and that guy (I'm pretty sure his name is Vinent or Viktor or something- the guy from Scorpio?)? Just like… One crushing on the other or something?



Post #30
Victor the Mutark trainer? :P You'll see quite a bit more of him a little later in the story. Right now he and May don't exactly know each other well, however.

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