- Posts: 1784
“Okay,” said May and stopped, “let’s train here around the lake. Screw the wild Pokémon; our Pokémon will learn a lot more battling one another.”
Mark shrugged and they walked together off the path to the great lake.
“What levels are your Pokémon again, Mark?” May asked.
“Uh, fifty or so?” He shrugged.
“Right. I think we’d accomplish the most by training specific skills instead of just randomly battling one another. Send them out.”
Mark plucked the six Pokéballs from his belt and threw them loosely forward. Charizard, Jolteon, Sandslash, Dragonair, Scyther and Letal emerged in flashes of white light. May looked thoughtfully at them. “What level are Dragonair and Letal exactly?” she finally asked.
Mark reached for his Pokédex and pointed it at them in turn. “Dragonair’s level 51, Letal’s 49.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “Okay, they probably won’t evolve just yet. Let’s forget about doing that before the Gym for now and focus on some techniques.”
And then I stopped. Or rather, the last three paragraphs of that are the only thing I've written in the past two months.
In other words, serious blockage going on here. I was going to ask you guys for some motivation and ideas for the training scene, but just typing up the blog post made me get tons of ideas and I don't really like to steal ideas from readers, so just, uh, thank you for existing and making me start making this post? Sorry about the long wait. I should have done this sooner.
It also made me go ahead and put up D/P movesets for the the Leta line and the Dragons of Ouen. Finally you get to know why Letal's been using Slash and Take Down in recent chapters.
[04/13/2008 23:00:00]