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Tanner Milne
Story: The Quest for the Legends (IALCOTN)
Chapter: Chapter 6: The Lake of Purity

There is no next chapter! Are you not done with it yet!?

Reply: No. Just as a heads up, I wouldn't expect it anytime soon, either, since I haven't really been working on that version since about 2007 or so. If you want to know what happens you're better off reading the ILCOE and enduring the poor quality at the beginning.

[05/08/2011 18:56:48]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

The last sentence of this chapter seems to foreshadow that Letaligon would not be released, or at the very least, would come back at some point. And if she's coming back, then I would assume that Tyranitar would also make some sort of comeback.

I'm curious as to how you would specialize Sneasel's personality, because she seems very similar to Floatzel as of now.

And in general, this is really random, but I thought the name of the fic was "The Quest of Legends" until today.

Reply: It's rather strange jumping from "Letaligon seems to be having some second thoughts about leaving" to "Tyranitar, who was left behind out of necessity on an island they have no reason to visit again, will return." The fact the main characters are each losing a pseudo-legendary around the same point in the story is coincidental; I'm not here trying to make everything symmetric for Mark and May.

Sneasel and Floatzel are similarly enthusiastic about battling, and I imagine they're going to get along swimmingly, but Sneasel is a considerably more serious character. Floatzel enjoys fighting and growing stronger and is very much in this for the sheer crazy joy of it. Sneasel is just very focused and ambitious and takes the whole thing quite seriously. In this manner, actually, Sneasel is more like Letaligon than Floatzel; I kind of worried that as a "replacement" people would find her too similar. (But Letaligon is also a lot younger and more insecure, and her final objective was revenge on her father to be achieved through strength, whereas Sneasel cares about strength in itself.)

[05/08/2011 03:48:31]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Ouen League – Chapter 46: Day One

Útskýrðu fyrir mér: the four-Pokémon restriction can’t have been already agreed upon if he was desperate to get a sixth clone last night. I wonder if Rick got the League to put the restriction in place when Taylor came whining to him about getting a new clone afterwards

Svo máttu rifja upp fyrir mig: Quilava reyndi að þróast en var of þreytt. Í þessum kafla kemur fram að hún vilji ekki þróast. Er það af því hún getur það ekki, eða bannaði einhver henni það, eða ákvað hún það sjálf?
Og hver er aftur prof. Elm?

Reply: Í fréttunum var verið að segja að Taylor verði leyft að taka þátt en megi bara nota fjóra pokémona, en venjulega má nota sex. Daginn áður, þegar Taylor gaf May Quilava aftur, útskýrði hann það þannig að hann vildi losna við Quilava svo hann geti beðið bróður sinn um einn pokémon í viðbót til að hafa sex. Þetta þýðir væntanlega að þá hafi ekki verið búið að setja regluna sem takmarkar hann við fjóra, þar sem þá þarf hann ekki sex pokémona. May er að giska á það að þegar Taylor talaði við hann kvöldið áður hafi Rick neitað að gefa honum pokémon og í staðinn látið breyta reglunum, þ.e. að hann hafi viljað jafna keppnina að einhverju leyti.

Það var Letal sem reyndi að þróast en var of þreytt. Quilava hefur ekki reynt að þróast; hana bara langar ekki til þess. Professor Elm er vísindamaður í pokémonleikjunum sem gaf May Quilava þegar hún byrjaði sem þjálfari.

[04/28/2011 11:21:46]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Now whenever I play my Platinum, I think of this! And sometimes I talk to my screen like a schizophrenic person…I brag about my team to my brother and I drive him crazy. He even threatened to take away my game guide and I almost threw a book at his head.

[04/20/2011 01:46:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools

I really hope you took a long time to write this. I'd really like to believe that lame writing does not come naturally to you. I read this twice, because it was so funny. It must have been twistedly fun to write this and imagine your reader's reactions, though. I should try that one day…When I become a famous writer…In my dreams :)

Reply: It actually didn't take very long. It took a bit to get into the right state of mind, but once you're there the sheer amusement value of trying to write as badly as possible just keeps you glued to the keyboard.

[04/19/2011 02:20:18]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools

Hahahahahahaha! That really turned the chapter around, although sometimes I think May and Alan should get together, just because they're complete opposites!

[04/19/2011 02:11:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari


[04/14/2011 13:41:13]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Wow. That was really good.

[04/09/2011 18:22:34]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Dude, I think all of the Pokemon have issues now except for Jolteon, and Stantler.

Reply: Sandslash doesn't have issues either. And Dragonite is also pretty issue-free, really. As are some of May's Pokémon. They're just not as prominent as the ones that do. :P

[04/09/2011 18:19:52]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

How come this safari is in varied terrain and most game safaris are in marshes? This one seems more like pal park.

Reply: This is quite similar to the Johto Safari Zone in HG/SS, minus the freaky rearrange-the-zones thing. Only the D/P/Pt Safari Zone is specifically in a marsh to my knowledge.

[04/09/2011 18:17:43]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Errr…I'm not sure if I really got that…Wh doesn't Letaligon trust Sneasel? Snealsels in my Platinum game are constantly evading me :)

Reply: It's not that Letaligon doesn't trust Sneasel so much as that it upset her to be told she's not strong enough.

[04/09/2011 18:15:11]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 39: The Workings of the War

I bet the Destroyer is Lugia. It makes perfect sense. Mew went around creating the trios, starting with Kanto's birds. Who is the leader of the birds? Lugia. That whole "Mark's favorite Pokemon" thing is definitely foreshadowing. Or I'm totally wrong. Who knows?

Reply: Problem with your theory: Lugia, as far as everyone currently understands, has already been captured and therefore should not be able to drain power from anybody anymore.

[04/04/2011 15:52:53]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Do I see our little May getting a tad more sentimental and less battle-oriented by catching that Stantler, a *gasp* NORMAL POKEMON!!

Another thing that I noticed in this chapter: How does Mark hide Chaletwo? I mean, in this Safari you don't give in your Pokemon, but for example at the League he gave in his Pokemon for testing, and surely they have a detector to make sure ALL Pokemon have been given in. If this is indeed the case, surely it should have detected Chaletwo's Pokeball? Perhaps something you might consider addressing in the IALCOTN if there isn't an obvious reason I'm missing. :)

Reply: Chaletwo isn't technically in a ball, per se, except when Mark specifically takes him out of storage so that he can come out; usually he's just in the PC storage, but his anchor to Mark's brain lets him stick around speaking to them telepathically and all that. That said, of course, that just opens the question of why they aren't examining all the Pokémon in his box, discovering he has a bunch of legendaries and freaking out. I've been thinking there is some sort of a privacy clause so that any Pokémon you don't specifically enter in the League aren't examined, but unfortunately I wasn't thinking to have them made to pick which Pokémon were to be entered out of the PC when I wrote chapter 45, rather than just handing in their Pokéballs.

[04/03/2011 00:52:27]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Okay, this really isn't on any chapter but the fic in general, how does evolving into Scizor make Scyther slower and unable to fly. Yes, it stands to reason that metal makes one heavier but it wouldn't make a Scizor that much heavier and the increased aerodynamics and larger wings offset this the only problem I find with Scizor morphology is the fact that they shouldn't be able to walk. Am I the only one has noticed how impossible those legs are? Curving downward like that? However the most disturbing fact is that Scizor lacks feet.

Reply: Scizor's base Speed is forty points lower than Scyther's, hence slower, and its Pokédex entries explicitly say that its wings are not used for flying, just regulating temperature. I didn't just make that up.

[04/02/2011 23:08:30]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 45: The Ouen League HQ

Nokkrar spurningar:

Hvernig er lavender hár á litinn?
Memories that Molzapart had buried?
Er HQ head quarters?

Reply: Lavender er ljósfjólublátt.

Molzapart breytti minningum allra þannig að fólk myndi ekki tengja Mark við Chaletwo og uppgötva að hann átti að vera dáinn. Hins vegar eru minningarnar ekki alveg farnar, bara sokknar dýpra þannig að fólk tengi þetta ekki saman af sjálfsdáðum. Í Crater Town var til dæmis einhver með gamalt dagblað með mynd og grein um dauða hans, sem olli því að allir sem sáu það mundu hver Mark var. Hins vegar sá þessi kona ekkert sem minnti hana á af hverju Mark var skráður látinn í gagnagrunninum, þannig að ekkert óheppilegt gerðist í þetta skipti.

Já, HQ þýðir headquarters.

[03/28/2011 13:09:07]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Interesting chapter … May seems to be trying to prove something. A stantler and her .. yes, I was thinking "strange…" just like Mark.
I like how you put different personalities for the pokemon, it makes it a lot more interesting, and realistic as well - of course they won't all get along … and you make sure their peronalities will help drive the plot in that way you want, excellent!

Is there any way to put a small recap before the chapter though? Not reading for a while makes me forget some important plot elements.

Reply: She does seem to be trying to prove something, doesn't she? I think Alan may have got to her a bit.

This fic's plot is such a huge, convoluted pretzel that proper recaps might be kind of huge and overbearing to put before every chapter. It might be plausible to just write a special continuously updated general-purpose plot recap page to let people refresh their memories when necessary, though. I'll see what I can do about that.

[03/26/2011 22:20:42]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

I have a feeling Sneasel and Floatzel would make very good friends….

[03/26/2011 14:32:40]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Haha, I love Sneasel already here. She's just like, "If they didn't destroy the world before, why would they now?" Good for you.

[03/25/2011 11:44:24]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Did Mark just catch my favourite pokemon ever?


[03/23/2011 18:23:29]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 56: The Ouen Safari

Gosh I think I love Stantler already n__n She sounds so reasonable and… normal, it amuses me. I know that Sandslash and Jolteon are pretty much sane as well, but they tend to take a back seat, not to mention they don't happen to be present during this clash of ~personalities~. I'm hoping she gets more screentime.

[03/21/2011 01:10:16]

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