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12/22/2008: Progress

So I've just started the eleventh page of chapter 46. The first League battle started on page nine. I'm doing a reasonably good job inching on with the battle whenever I'm here; while I've been incapable of doing anything of worth for my site in way too long, my productivity in writing has been great recently. I mean, I've written more than twenty pages of stuff since October, which is well over two average chapters of this fic.

Currently trying my hardest to make the League battles good.


Happy (12/22/2008 03:00:55)
Man, a shame this wasn't all happening during NNWM. XD

At least you be doing something, right? Finish soon =]
puredragon222 (12/24/2008 17:18:34)
Now that my sadness that my theory of Shadowdart being Celebi's 'chosen' has passed, I am happy again! Finish soon :D
Crag (12/31/2008 16:57:52)
I read your story and i really like it.

Please finish soon!!!!!!!!!XD

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