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12/12/2008: Haven't done an extra in a while...

New extra, written in a burst of random inspiration at half past four AM when I was supposed to be going to bed! Just after a major writing spree which I just wrote a Quest Blog entry about!

Letting Go

I personally really like how it came out, but it may just be that I love writing May, especially in moments like that.


Pure Umbreon (12/12/2008 17:14:34)
Well written, full of emotion.

Ya know, somthing about me really dosen't like May that much. I suppose she is doing the right thing here, but goes about it the whole wrong way. Poor Quilava. :(
Nostalgia (12/12/2008 21:22:00)
May is a very strange character indeed. She is obsessed with power, and will go to any length to get it.

Hey, maybe she's the destroyer?! That must be it.
puredragon222 (12/12/2008 22:34:53)
I just had the best idea ever. To anyone who has read the spinoff Scythers Story, you will know that Shadowdart is darker than usual. This either means that he is shiny, or he was chosen by Shaymin or Celebi, and when he becomes a Scizor he will be like Gyrados and Ninetales. Of course, the only way he won the leadership of the Swarm is due to his abnormal power level.
TexLugia (12/12/2008 23:07:24)
-whistles- That was intense. poor Quilava, I still love that evolution before it evolves into Typhlosion ^^ and May could have just given her an everstone and train her up.
elyvorg (12/12/2008 23:12:16)
I want a pet Quilava now. The bit where she rubbed her head against May's leg was adorable. :3
Butterfree (12/12/2008 23:24:00)
Ya know, somthing about me really dosen't like May that much. I suppose she is doing the right thing here, but goes about it the whole wrong way. Poor Quilava. :(
May isn't there to be likable as a person. :P And I wouldn't say there is much reason to pity Quilava, really; she's getting exactly what she wanted and has very little real attachment to May. It's May who's attached to Quilava and doesn't really want to release her.

This either means that he is shiny
It's a faaar subtler color difference than that. Something you can see if you put him next to another Scyther and squint, but not really otherwise. Unless you're a Scyther yourself, of course.

and May could have just given her an everstone and train her up.
Um, the point is kind of that May doesn't want to use an unevolved Pokémon because they're weak. o_O The problem is not keeping her unevolved while she's trained.
TexLugia (12/13/2008 04:13:26)
They aint weak! I personally like Pidgeotto better than Pidgeot ^^
Butterfree (12/13/2008 04:22:19)
May doesn't. :P
TexLugia (12/13/2008 12:31:33)
xD meh for strength. Attack and speed are all I need!
Puredragon222 (12/13/2008 18:49:02)
Damn my fake epiphany! I had so much faith in it, till I realised that he commits suicide.
Raitora Kuro Yamiraku (01/08/2009 03:14:49)
…Okay, that was evil. Just because Blaziken is the most awesome Pokémon, like, EVER, doesn't mean that May should release Quilava. She's an idiot, Mark's an idiot, and, like, all of their other Pokémon are pretty much idiots. I think Taylor's the only smart person in the fic (not saying that I like him as a character, but whatever)! XD
Butterfree (01/08/2009 03:36:08)
o_O Seriously, what in the world are you getting upset about? It's not as if Quilava had gotten the chance to develop a personality; why would you miss her, and why would it be "idiotic" of May to have released her (more to the point, precisely how would it have been a smarter choice to keep Quilava, whom she barely knows, who would rather be released, and who would be the weakest Pokémon in her team by far, than to release her and catch a stronger Pokémon with an additional type that her team really needs)? Not to mention what the heck you have against their Pokémon.

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