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09/11/2008: New Polaryu


I hate the wings and absolutely cannot figure out what to do with the shading on them. And the crystals on the limbs look pasted on. And it's a bit monochromatic. But I like the head, the pose and the new design.

Basically: while all three dragons are fundamentally bipedal in that their hind legs are stronger than the forelimbs and they can naturally stand upright, they differ in how they prefer to position themselves while at rest. Thunderyu doesn't like using his legs at all, so he generally glides. Volcaryu stands upright on his bulky legs, ready to use his strong arms to attack. Polaryu, on the other hand, prefers to stay relatively horizontal compared to the other two, often letting his forelimbs support his upper body.

I might add more crystals and do something with the wings, so I wouldn't consider it quite finished yet, but I'd love some input.

Also, I dare you to even attempt to guess what sprite I used as a vague reference for the pose (in the same way as I used the original sprites for Thunderyu and Volcaryu). It is obviously not Polaryu's old sprite.


shadow_lugia (09/11/2008 02:42:13)
Well, the Thunderyu one looks a bit like RSE Articuno…
And I do like the new designs :D
SwinubCakes (09/11/2008 07:42:12)
Polaryu reminds me of Salamence.
Anyway, I like the new look of the dragons.
Retsu (09/11/2008 07:58:01)
Ohh, I likey. <3

Hmm, the main thing to be seems to be the joints of the wings - they seem a little too far down his back, they look as though they should be on the shoulder blade.

The other part is that it took me quite a while to distinguish between his hand and the end of his tail. Perhaps move one of them up a bit?

And as for the references… Salamence? Milotic?
Outscisor (09/11/2008 15:54:59)
Was it Rampardos you used for reference?
eevee_em (09/11/2008 19:43:24)
Oooh pretty.

I agree that the wing should be moved up to the shoulders. And they need better shading. But other than that it looks good
blazheirio889 (09/11/2008 20:27:48)
Hmmm, is it just me or does Polaryu have no mouth? But other than that and the wing, I really like it. All three look authentic.
Butterfree (09/11/2008 20:50:32)
I wouldn't be making you guess the reference if it were something obvious like, you know, something that looks vaguely like a dragon or lizard of some kind. :P Seriously, you are not going to figure it out.

I'm at my boyfriend's house right now, but I'll try to do something with Polaryu when I get home. And yes, it has no visible mouth. I have a tendency to do that. I might add one on if it doesn't ruin it too much.
darthjarjar (09/11/2008 21:26:49)
oooo it looks prettys

possably dragonair?
shadow_lugia (09/11/2008 22:06:49)
Maybe Mewtwo then? They have the kind of cold glare in their eyes…
Butterfree (09/11/2008 23:50:02)
Oh, come on. I said reference for the pose. I can scratch heads/tails/eyes/wings just fine on my own. Don't try to deduce anything from those, because they had no references except my crude concept sketches of the new design.
blazheirio889 (09/12/2008 01:01:25)
Polaryu's pose really reminds me of Dragonite's, but I doubt that's it since you said the Pokemon didn't resemble anything dragon-y. The only other thing that comes to mind is Miltank, but that's probably way off the mark too…
Happy (09/12/2008 09:08:34)

anyway, I think you've done an amazing job on the revamps! Polaryu in particular looks so much better now <3 Any crits I may have had were already covered by everybody else, but to make Polaryu's wings better I'd suggest highlights. c:
Also, since you wanted some input, I'd say add blue ridges that look similar to Volcaryu's, but with a point at each end. Sounds like I'm making them too similar but heh.

Again, awesome work, I'd give you a pizza but it'd taste horrible. Congrats! 8DDD
elyvorg (09/12/2008 20:23:52)
Ooooh~ pretty.

I do agree that the arm/leg crystals look pasted on. Maybe try to make them look more like something that would have grown out of its flesh rather than a random piece of ice that got stuck on it somehow?

Apart from that, I like. Especially the spiky-ness of the wings and the general rawr-ness of the pose.
TexLugia (09/12/2008 23:36:04)
Perhaps an ekans? xD and one wild guess added, Chansey? By the way, that is pure perfection.
SilverLatios (09/14/2008 15:33:39)
Salamance? :D *brick'd*

They look so much better then they did before-many kudos, Butterfree!!! And good luck on writing the next chapter of TQFTL, also!
Blah (06/30/2009 23:03:04)
Butterfree (07/01/2009 00:05:27)
Uh, this is from a while ago, but I never revealed it, so, well. It was actually Sandslash. :P Believe it or not.

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