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03/04/2008: Best Quotes

So the FanFiction Lounge thread at PokéCommunity had a discussion topic about your favorite quotes from your own work, which made me randomly look through a bunch of chapters and pick out a few of my own favorites after initially picking way too many. From The Quest for the Legends and its spin-offs, they were the following:

“My father always used to say that there were two reasons you should make each and every one of your birthdays the best party you’ve ever had,” he said gleefully while cutting a slice for Alan, May and finally himself. “One: It might always be your last birthday, and in fact that becomes likelier every year, so it’s good always to assume it is. Two: It’s well worth celebrating that you were wrong about it last year.” […] “So well, cheers to Mark for not having dropped dead yet!” he said, raising his glass of milk. (The Quest for the Legends, chapter 32)

“Oh f… crap,” Chaletwo groaned. (The Quest for the Legends, chapter 34)

Well, Mount Fever isn’t that far away, is it? Mark argued. It would be easy to reach the roots of the mountain before that time. We deserve to take it easy for a little while, right?

“Well, sure, you do,” Chaletwo replied coldly. “I was just thinking, you know, since some human idiot got the brilliant idea of building a town in the middle of the crater of a dormant volcano and Volcaryu’s release would cause it to erupt…” Mark’s stomach churned uncomfortably at this point. “Well, I figured that, you know, you wouldn’t want all those people to get fried. Sorry I got that impression. I’ll leave you to your happy fun battle now.” (The Quest for the Legends, chapter 36)

And my favorite line ever to write just because I'm weird like that:

Death was a fact of life. Death was an ultimate truth. Death was not to be feared, because you inflicted it on others. Because they feared it too. Because you, too, would one day die, just like the prey that struggled with shining, begging eyes against your deadly scythe. (The Fall of a Leader, Part V)

But well, it made me start wondering. So out of curiosity, what are your favorite quotes from The Quest for the Legends and its spin-offs?


EeveeSkitty (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
Heh. Mine's probably actually the one from chapter 32 about birthdays, which you already put out. I'll probably end up quoting it at some point.
kingcliff9 (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
My favourite from TQftL probably has to be that Sparky birthday one; it's the only thing that comes to mind off the top of my head. Though there is the one where Mark is imagining Chaletwo sitting in some kind of cinema watching his dreams and wondering why the May on the screen had a false moustache… x3

I have a definite favourite quote from Morphic which I was thinking about earlier today for no apparent reason and that you haven't already mentioned in that thread, but I probably shouldn't be quoting it here as it's not Quest for the Legends related.
KamikoRemu (03/04/2008 00:00:00)

Or something like that. xD I just love that.
Deilos (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
My favorite was when Scyther's Like “Love is fake,” he announced randomly. “It’s all just a bunch of hormones that want you to have sex and kids… Sickle was nice… but love… it’s not…”

Jade Dragonair (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
I do enjoy the birthday comment.
And I also find one comment from the ILCOE funny from Chapter 6:
"Wow. That has to be the only time a battle has been won on account of Splash."
Absolute hilarity.
*goes off to hunt for more funny comments*
bayleef (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
“Stop bickering,” Mark said and sighed. “You’re like a married couple.”

“We’re not!” May shouted, her face beet red, and strode ahead of the boys in frustration. Spirit smirked and galloped after her.
From chapter 34. Very funny (or, at least, I think so).
bayleef (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
“Stop bickering,” Mark said and sighed. “You’re like a married couple.”

“We’re not!” May shouted, her face beet red, and strode ahead of the boys in frustration. Spirit smirked and galloped after her.
From chapter 34. Very funny (or, at least, I think so).
bayleef (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
“Stop bickering,” Mark said and sighed. “You’re like a married couple.”

“We’re not!” May shouted, her face beet red, and strode ahead of the boys in frustration. Spirit smirked and galloped after her.
From chapter 34. Very funny (or, at least, I think so).
Fox McCloud (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
Heh. I was reading through again… and… found THIS thing.

“Then again, it makes sense, because you were strange, to say the least.”

“What happened?” Mark repeated in frustration.

“Well, you suddenly stood up, walked down from the audience stands, cussed your head off at the Pokéball people for not recalling them earlier, took your Pokéballs to the Pokémon Center, handed them to Nurse Joy without an explanation so I had to tell her what happened, and then lay down here and stopped responding to anything. I waved my hand in front of your face and you didn’t even blink.”

Victreebel and Scizor Luver (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
Definately the end of the chapter introducing Spirit - "His hate was stronger than ever." That really made me read onwards.
Mew: ruler of the world (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
“Nine fucking tries?” he finally chortled in the middle of it. “God, that is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard. It takes you nine tries to kill some tiny fucking rodent? Go away. Cut up some grass field. Get the fuck out of the tattered remains of my life before I snap and cut off your head.” Scyther's Story - Nightmare

Well I'm weird like that. I really like that quote.
shadow_lugia (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
o.O;; Wasn't that Scyther/Razor?
EeveeSkitty (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
Da, commerade. 'Twas Razor that said that upon hearing of Shadowdart's first kill. Scyther's Story, Part IV.
Mew: ruler of the world (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
Yeah. The Scyther's Story - Nightmare thing was where it was ^^; Sorry for any confusion
shadow_lugia (03/04/2008 00:00:00)
I was reading through for the bazillionth time or something, and found this comment quite funny:

“Oh dear,” Sparky said, entering the room with the kids’ food. “I guess Pokémon are rather sensitive to alcohol. One more lesson in running restaurants, isn’t it?”
Raitora Kuro Yamiraku (07/02/2008 04:00:55)
Heh, I agree with shadow_lugia. Also, everything that Scyther says when he's drunk – priceless. XD

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