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10/06/2007: HINTHINTHINT

I just realized that something in the end of The Quest for the Legends is rather inspired by something in the eighth Pokémon movie.

Yes, I'm inviting you to go wild with speculation in the comment section. And no, I would not have posted this if it were something obvious like "OMG MARK SACRIFICES HIMSELF FOR THE TREE OF LIFE AND EVERYTHING BECOMES GOOD." Try again.


Wolfdoom (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
Lol, this made me laugh. I do have in mind that the world will be saved, though choas and despair would work good too. I wonder what happens after that though. It would made me rofll real bad if it would be as I hope it would be, meaning that either someone dies, human or not, aside of Suicune, who's already dead in the first place, and someone falls in love or something. Not that this is much of a help. I'll see how you'll work things out.
Butterfree (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
"Someone dies and someone falls in love or something" is something that happens in an overwhelming majority of all fiction, you know. You would have very little reason to be amazed if that prediction came true, so I don't see why you would "rofll real bad".

Now, if you had specific theories about who dies why and who falls in love with whom, that would be another matter. And I'd be delighted to hear them, by the way. I love reader speculation.
Wolfdoom (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
Yes, I know that. Mark and Suicune both have died, our little hero coming back though. There is something that I'm wondering about in general, namely that May and Alan are really acting weird sometimes. Maybe my imagination, becuase I like to twist things around, or just true. About the dying,well, it's lame yeah, and very overused. I'm not really such a fan of it, unless it gets wrapped in mystery, so you have to know why what and where. They just always come back from death in some kind of weird way.
Butterfree (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
Huh? Your posts can be a little hard to follow. How are May and Alan "acting weird"? Any specifics? I have no idea what point you were trying to make about death. Are you speaking of dying in general or the death-and-resurrection combo? ("About the dying" sounds like the former, but the last sentence makes no sense unless it's the latter.) In general, what exactly are you trying to tell me? I'm having a very difficult time figuring out exactly what your point is. Does this have anything to do with possible eighth movie inspiration in the end of the fic or not? I'm confused.
Zironixx (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
I think your scyther obession is involved in the ending, but that may have already given away what I think the plot involves so I'll shut up.
BillMinutes (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
It ends with Bonsly stealing someone's food, I KNEW it!
Butterfree (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
Butterfree (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
(Also, Zironixx, you don't need to shut up. I can't say I know exactly what you think the ending involves just from that.)
Chrom (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
I don't doubt that Mew will be involved in large ways, as she/he/it already has played a rather large role.

Perhaps Mark's plight parallels that of an earlier "hero," a la Ash and Sir Aaron.
Zironixx (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
Kind of thought that Scyther might be renited (sp?) with Rob (I'm not positive that's his name, haven't reread the story in a while), of course Scyther may come over his Scizor loathing for Nighmare and become mates or something.
Fragment (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
Zir, I'm thinking along those lines too - Nightmare and Scyther?
Ambey (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
Nightmare and Scyther? Um… that would be weird, but cool at the same time. About the end of the story… I have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER. I hope Mark's mom finds out that he was ressurected, though.
Coolub McPokefreak (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
I really hope that some weird romantic thing happens between Mark and May *cough*.
But, that's just me. Big fan of QftT.
Mythia (10/06/2007 23:00:00)
Nooooo! Please no MarkxMay!

I get the feeling Scyther will play at least some larger part sometime in the future. Interaction with Rob or Nightmare? Hmmmmm…

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