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08/12/2018: Commentary: chapter 8

Chapter 8: The Master of the Clones (commentary)

This week's chapter features even more tedious junior trainer battles, Mark still failing to pay any attention to Sandshrew, my English skills being amazing in a dramatic line, awesome foreshadowing, me being bad at writing Mark liking Lugia, me hoping readers will buy a very bullshit assertion that he's only beating these legendaries so easily because he's so obsessed with legendaries, Rick's baffling idea of security, a long sequence about infiltrating an illegal cloning lab that's pretty much exactly like I wrote it when I was twelve, and Catertwo's day in the limelight. The commentary also includes a look at pre-HMMRCIG Mewtwo^2 and Mewtwo and the posters I drew with Rick's superclone ideas.


Altissimo (08/12/2018 17:49:05)
just wanted to say that to like 12-year-old me (or however old I happened to be back then) the scene with Mark's four thoughts after he fell in the pool was actually really funny and stuck with me for a long time because I think it was my first exposure to like, writing that kind of reflects a character's thoughts in real time, and so I was really struck by it back then lmao
Negrek (08/13/2018 02:28:01)

Honestly I love Mewtwo2's characterization in the UMR. And also the fact that the UMR somehow managed to have even more clones.

Also, "his foot slipped and he was sent flying into the pool" makes me picture Mark wandering around, minding his own business, then whoops his foot slips and he gets hurled halfway across the room to land in the pool. XD
MF (11/05/2018 16:07:33)
so I surmise that this is the appropriate channel to submit what has so far been, over the course of reading these, my most crucial request for a future revision

that whoever introduces Mewtwo² the next time should do it in the same fashion as that exceptionally excited guy from E3

Mewtwo... two!

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