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01/21/2018: Chapters 75 and 76 up

It's finally time.

The Final Stretch - Chapter 75: Mewtwo²
Chapter 76: Chalenor

I don't know if this is going to live up to whatever you may have been imagining or expecting or hoping for, but it's how this story goes.


Altissimo (01/21/2018 17:39:42)
hot damn I can't believe we're finally reaching the end of this
Tifachew (01/21/2018 18:36:27)
SilverLatios (01/21/2018 22:47:38)
I. I don't know if I'm ready. I don't even know how long I've been waiting.
(i found out about the update from your art Tumblr, goodness, is how much the times have changed)
Altissimo (01/21/2018 23:27:28)
Oh hey a question. When you started the fanfic Arceus wasn't created yet, did you initially have a different plan in mind for all that or was it one of those things you hadn't worked out yet?
Butterfree (01/22/2018 06:55:34)
I hadn't worked out anything whatsoever when I started the fanfic. The core ideas here started to come together sometime in 2006 or so, and the last crucial piece of actual plot slotted into place while I was NaNoing in 2012, I think. Arceus's involvement came about in probably 2008.
Altissimo (01/22/2018 09:56:20)
what was said last crucial piece of the plot (or is that spoilers at this point)
Butterfree (01/22/2018 12:12:18)
Chaletwo being the reason Chalenor was stuck.
Charchar (01/23/2018 01:40:14)
It has been years following and reading.. sometime rereading to remember :)! Enjoying how this is playing out. Hoping the next chapters come a little sooner but if not will still keep check back often. Thanks Butterfree.
kitsuenseki (02/13/2018 19:03:04)
Honestly this is more than I ever could've expected or hoped for. A really really great climax to a story we've all been following for years. Great job!!

(Also, maybe there's an obvious answer to this that I'm missing, but why was there repeated switching back and forth between he and she for Mew in Chapter 76? Or is that something that'll be gone over in the next chapter?)
Butterfree (02/14/2018 16:54:34)
Thanks for the responses! Glad you enjoyed the chapters.

(Also, maybe there's an obvious answer to this that I'm missing, but why was there repeated switching back and forth between he and she for Mew in Chapter 76? Or is that something that'll be gone over in the next chapter?)
In the fic's universe, most legendaries are asexual beings and don't quite have gender as we understand it. Some prefer a particular set of pronouns anyway; others just don't care at all. Mew is one of the latter. From Mew's point of view, pronouns are interchangeable, hence alternating between scenes. (Other characters vary in what they call Mew - Chaletwo uses he, and Mark took it up after him, while Entei and Mewtwo use she. They're both valid.)
a fan (03/12/2018 23:10:53)
Just wanted to say I'm a big fan of this series, been following it for years.
Keep up the good work, Butterfree.
Infamous desolater66 (05/25/2018 05:23:24)
God how long has it been ten years since i got banned from the forums? It has Been awhile butterfree thought I'd show up to congratulate you at the ending chapters of this epic saga. You are one of the first ever fanfictions I've gotten hooked onto. Keep writing and writing and don't stop best wishes.

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