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11/03/2013: Status


It's now been a year since I started my NaNoing efforts for this fic, and thus eleven months since I technically finished it. In that time, I've posted one single chapter.

This should not be what the rest of this fic's lifetime will be like, honestly. It's just that this chapter is really hard to get right, and I really want to get it right. Mostly, on both counts, that's because of May. Normally I have it easy: Mark is a very cooperative narrator, because he is generally straightforward, quite introspective and usually honest with himself. If something is bothering Mark, I can just write "It bothered Mark that…" and it will be both an accurate representation of how he mentally frames it to himself and easily communicates information about what's going on in Mark's head to the reader. May, on the other hand, has about a billion different things going on in her head and she hates half of them and doesn't want to acknowledge that they exist or if so only in the briefest and vaguest of terms, and on top of all that Chaletwo is in her head reading her mind right now and that makes her mentally clam up even more than usual. This all makes her way more interesting than Mark (at least in my opinion), which is why I extra-specially want to get this chapter just right, but on the other hand it also means writing a chapter that mostly revolves around what's going on in May's head, like this one, takes some figuring to work out how to smoothly show the stuff I want to communicate within the rather uncooperative framework of her narration. Really interesting figuring! But also kind of time-consuming figuring, and the result of the figuring often involves some delicate tuning and long story short, I'm still working on getting it right because of all that.

Unfortunately it's not all good news for what comes after the chapter either, even though this particular issue is specific to it. I never really liked chapters 66-70 and they keep bothering me: essentially it's a five-chapter arc that as it stands could almost be cut out without impacting the rest of the fic, which is always a bad sign. I say almost because actually just cutting them out would leave a bunch of setup leading nowhere and a bit of character development for Alan would be missing and a minor loose end one of them addresses would be left hanging, but the rest of what happens in them is, right now, just setting up the rest of them and then more or less restoring to the status quo, which makes them feel pretty pointless (to me, anyway). So I want to work out a way to integrate them better with the rest of the story, too, and that will also take some figuring.

But I will soldier on no matter what. Never think the fic is dead. I couldn't quit it if I tried.


Negrek (11/06/2013 04:10:30)
Well, as long as you manage to get the rest of it out in less than four years, you'll still end up being faster than I was after I finished the draft of Clouded Sky. :P

Good to hear you're just fiddling a bit and haven't really hit a wall. Best of luck, and keep going! No matter how long it takes you to finish, you'll have readers hanging in there until the end.
gills (11/12/2013 00:22:13)
Keep at it! Looking forward in reading the next chapter. It has been fun reading over the years.
grigsbyanthony (11/15/2013 18:00:57)
Can't believe that you're still active. I found this story almost a year ago and nearly finsihed it all in a day. When reaching the final chapter, I got really, and I mean REALLY sad. But the fact that you're still working on this fic renwed my interest in it. Thanks for your hard work. :-P
Muppy (11/16/2013 15:32:10)
I'm still really excited to see the fic return :)

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