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12/17/2012: Status Update

Just to give a bit of an update on what's going on with the fic.

Basically, I've done my first readthrough of the whole thing, making minimal edits - typos and glaringly awkward wording, more or less. It was not intended to be much of an edit, just a readthrough to get the big picture of what I wrote and where its biggest problems lie and generally how things hang together so I have a more concrete idea of what I'm going to edit. I'm now doing the proper edit of chapter 63.

My overly-elaborate editing plan is currently to edit one chapter at a time for handing over to my faithful beta-readers opal and elyvorg, and then I can have their feedback in mind as I edit the subsequent chapters; when I've gone through this for every chapter, I will then make any final modifications and finally begin posting the chapters. This basically simplifies to exactly what I do when I normally post chapters, except for having drafts of the chapters already and the initial audience consisting only of opal and elyvorg. I think that will help; working on chapters after feedback for previous chapters tends to give a better perspective on them.

So yeah. It's probably going to be a while, but I will get there.


Sapph (12/17/2012 23:41:45)
so before or after next NaNo?
SilverLatios47 (12/19/2012 20:51:31)
Awesome to know work's being done. I'm going slightly crazy waiting now that I know it's sitting inside your computer…

Also, there seems to be a strange glitch in the forums. On the Fan Art thread, the comment box isn't there but the 'Post Reply' and 'Preview Post' buttons are still there. I poked around some of the other threads and they all have the comment box…
Thomas_10 (01/01/2013 00:59:26)
Wow, no comments in a while. Hey Butterfree, (yes, I start a lot of comments that way) how's chapter 63 coming? I just can't wait!
Thomas_10 (01/02/2013 01:51:13)
Sorry, 64.
Daychi (01/31/2013 03:37:38)
Wait. I just found this gem, and kinda happy that its almost completed. Otherwise the suspense would have killed me. Although its already killing me.

Great job on this, and thanks for sticking to it for so long :P I'll be checking periodically for the ending :D (which'll probably be as amazing as the rest of it).
eevee_em (02/07/2013 19:01:24)
I had a dream last night about this fic and …Fire Emblem, of all things. There was a flashback passage in an older version of the fic where Eliwood and a guy wielding FE weapons appeared, implying that the games take place in the same universe at different times. This was apparently a common thoery back in the day, despite the fact that it makes no since whatsoever.

This proves that A) my dreams are weird and B) I've been subconsciously thinking about this fic, and you should work on it more so my subconscious can be happy :P
sylveon much? (02/17/2013 22:36:21)
is anybody else getting anxious waiting for editing to progress? haha
SilverLatios47 (02/18/2013 14:36:18)
I sure am. x.x I check here every day..
Butterfree (02/18/2013 23:12:38)
Blame opaltiger; he's betrayed the cause and encouraged a random urge to write Community fanfiction instead of editing TQftL.

That's almost done, though, so I'll get back to it soon.
opaltiger (02/23/2013 01:48:45)
To be fair, I didn't exactly expect it to take you , like, a month.
hoadleysp (02/27/2013 17:45:39)
wooh! up to chapter 64 :D haha
Thomas_10 (03/13/2013 14:07:24)
I'm sorry, I probably seem like spam, but I'm EXCITED!
Thomas_10 (03/13/2013 14:07:29)
I'm sorry, I probably seem like spam, but I'm EXCITED!
Thomas_10 (03/13/2013 14:09:30)
k, that last one was an accident. I'm trying to type on my DSi. :P

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