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11/25/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 24

342,183 words. That's 2317 since yesterday, and I'm back ahead, with 40,305 words as I ought to have 40,000. I could keep writing - I'm in the middle of that scene I've been planning for ten years, and it is pretty delicious - but seeing as it's past seven AM and I've thoroughly caught up now, I'm calling it quits and continuing tomorrow.

This is also the final scene of chapter 74; after that, it's chapter 75, which I still can't believe I'm almost at.

Funnily enough, I didn't have a very good writing day for most of it; that old plot point I talked about yesterday was still stuck somewhere in the knots of my brain, and I ended up explaining to opal the basic idea of what was going on and bouncing my ideas off him, which promptly sorted that out. Then, however, I needed to rewrite a fairly lengthy conversation because what I ended up going with regarding that plot point was the 'fixed' version while I'd already written a bit assuming the other, and after that I actually found myself with fewer words than I had at the end of yesterday. So then I had to make that up before I could start making actual progress, and by that point it was past midnight.

But well, getting to the juicy bits really helped. I wasn't going to write even this much - I thought I'd settle for passing 1667 today and try to catch up tomorrow - but then suddenly I was passing the goal for today and then I went on for a bit after that.

I'll almost definitely finish chapter 74 tomorrow, and then it's chapter 75 time. Oh, man.


Thomas_10 (11/25/2012 17:38:13)
:" ). O. M. G!!!!!!!!!

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