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11/23/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 22

Not a great day for NaNoing today; I'm at 338,340 words, which is 1312 since yesterday, leaving me 204 words behind again. That should not be a big deal to make up for tomorrow or this weekend, though.

Chapter 73 is being a lot longer than I thought, but that's okay because I wasn't sure chapter 74 was enough material anyway; this gives me room to move stuff into that.


Polymetric Sesquialtera (11/23/2012 14:40:55)
What will you do if November 30 hits and you're in the middle of Chapter 75 or 76? Continue your epic writing spree until the fic is, in fact, done, or wait until you've posted all the previous NaNo chapters and then finish writing the chapter(s)?
Butterfree (11/23/2012 17:03:07)
Depends on how I feel about it. I think it's reasonably likely I'll just continue writing. Of course, the goal is to finish in November, whether that's more or less than 50,000 words.

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