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11/18/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 17

329,674 words. Not quite caught up after yesterday (I should be at 330,211), but despite spending most of today in the unwritingest mood ever, I eventually managed to cough up 2726 words and finish chapter 70. That last bit is terrible; I'm going to have to edit the hell out of it, but I still really like the concept.

Last night I lay awake in bed for an hour or two unable to sleep because my brain insisted on thinking about the ending of the fic, and some things actually came together in a way they hadn't before. It's strange how even when writing things ridiculously fast and badly, I'm having roughly the same amount of actual ideas as I would have in the time it would have taken me to write these chapters at my normal pace. I worried a bit about that before I started; it seemed like the bits of the chapter plan that I was unsatisfied with or uncertain about would simply stay that way if I was trying to NaNo this, without my usual thing with getting sudden ideas as I'm writing. But it's working way better than I could have hoped.

Anyway, I am now writing THE LAST FIVE-CHAPTER ARC. I still haven't quite worked out what to title it; the possibilities that have occurred to me don't quite fit in with "The Pokémon Festival" and "The Ouen League".


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