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11/17/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 16

With the combination of work, dinner with my family to celebrate my brother's birthday immediately after work, and Wreck-It Ralph immediately after that, I had basically no free time today. And then I had to fix my site and then I fell asleep. Will try to make up for it tomorrow, when I have absolutely nothing I'm supposed to be doing.

Also, writing this battle is a lot more of a headache than I thought. I've almost spent more time organizing it in my planning document so that it will make some sense than actually writing it.


Thomas_10 (11/17/2012 20:11:47)
Well, happy birthday, Butterfree's brother!
Thomas_10 (11/17/2012 20:13:04)
I promise I'm not a troll!

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