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11/15/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 14

325,004 words. 1914 words written today, 23,126 done altogether, only 207 words behind the NaNo goal of 23,333. I expect to catch up tomorrow.

Chapter 69 is finished, and I'm a couple of pages into chapter 70, which incidentally means I'm now done with more than half of what I had remaining at the beginning of November, chapter-wise. Which fits pretty nicely with the fact it's the fourteenth of November (well, technically six in the morning of the fifteenth, but that's because of my screwed-up sleep patterns).

I took a shower today and had a sudden burst of inspiration for making chapter 70 more interesting than it was meant to be, which was great; I'm now looking considerably forward to finishing this chapter. And then it's the freaking last five-chapter arc. This is insane. I can't believe I'm doing this.


Thomas_10 (11/15/2012 13:47:59)
Awesome. Just plain awesome.
Chibi (11/15/2012 18:39:16)
I find it hilarious how showers seem to always result in magical explosions of creativity for pretty much every writer I know, myself included.

Gosh, that feeling of being so close must be so amazing. Damn I wish I could write more often.
SilverLatios47 (11/16/2012 00:01:11)
Absolutely amazing!!! The end is in sight, you can do it!!! Keep on rockin!

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