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11/13/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 12

321,312 words, 1717 today. That's 19,434 words total for November where I should be at 20,000, or 566 words behind. I'm slowly but steadily catching up.

Chapter 68 is not done yet, but it's on page nine. I might move a scene that was supposed to be in this chapter to chapter 69 instead, in which case I'm on the last scene of the chapter; otherwise it's the second-to-last. Or, you know, I might shuffle these chapter splits around even more.

I took a nap today, where I had yet another dream about finishing the fic. In it, the end involved there being a bunch of legendary eggs, many of them shiny; most of them had already hatched, but one still remained, and there was a bunch of suspense around what was in the last egg. In the closing scene, it dramatically turned out to be a Togepi. When I woke up I was thinking, "Wait, that ending really isn't any good. I need to make up a new one, quick." Thankfully I then remembered that wasn't the real thing.

In the meantime (in the dream, not the actual fic) there was something with psychics ruling the world (I think my brain was mixing it up with Negrek's Clouded Sky) and Mitch being a Dark-type and sneakily taking down the psychic leader, which led to the reputation of invincibility that had been holding up the psychics' reign being broken as the story spread. This was somewhat bittersweet, as while the characters didn't like the psychics' reign, they felt making them lose everything in such a manner was cruel.


Thomas_10 (11/13/2012 22:06:51)
Umm… how does Mitch just suddenly rule the world when he's been absent for, like, 10 or something chapters?
Butterfree (11/13/2012 22:31:56)
Because dream logic? (It wasn't Mitch ruling the world, though; like I said, he was being a Dark-type there, and other psychics, the Psychic-type-trainer kind, were ruling the world, similar to Negrek's fic.)

The last time Mitch appeared was actually chapter 41, so he's been absent for more like twenty-five chapters by the time he reappears. Doesn't mean things haven't been going on with him, though. Suddenly ruling the world would be a bit drastic, but that's why my dreams don't inspire actual plot events in the fic. :P
Sapph (11/14/2012 00:48:16)
everyone has crazy dreams.
SilverLatios47 (11/14/2012 05:05:42)
You should write some sort of spoof fic where every weird thing you've dreamed about happening to your characters happens. And somehow make it seem serious.
Thomas_10 (11/14/2012 13:18:01)
Yeah, that's a pretty good idea!
Thomas_10 (11/14/2012 13:25:22)
I am NOT a troll! Sorry I keep posting random things.

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