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11/11/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 10

Right. No update yesterday because I was sick, slept most of the day, and only managed to write a few hundred words in the evening.

Today I've been doing a whole lot more writing, however, and now I'm at 317,552 words, which is 2798 since the last update two days ago. That's still 435 words behind what I ought to have written in two days, and being that I was already behind at that point I'm now 992 words behind the goal (I'm at 15674 words so far in November where I should be at 16666), but considering I lost almost a whole day there on top of an existing slip, I think I could be doing a lot worse.

I just finished chapter 67 (unless I decide to reconsider the chapter splits, which I might). The end is in sight - this was a problematic chapter to write because of its somewhat transitionary nature, but now that that's past, chapter 68 is fairly well defined now, and chapters 69 and 70 should be basically according to the chapter plan. So from there it's back on track, and hopefully I can catch up fairly soon.

With chapter 67, I've also now written nearly five chapters out of fourteen left during NaNo, which fits fairly nicely with the fact we're now a third of the way through November.


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